Quiet day N.R

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Your POV
I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and I didn't feel like talking or even moved out of the bed. After being an Avenger for so long, I should be able to have one day off right?

I groaned as the sun peeked through the blind and hit my face. Irritated that it's disturbing my sleep but not wanting to move to fix it. I turned to face the other side and pulled the cover over my head.

Suddenly, my girlfriend pulled down my covers and I looked at her with my sleepy eyes. The thin sweat that was still forming on her forehead showed that she just wrapped up her morning training. No one in this compound has morning training other than her and Steve.

"Still sleepy sweetie?" Natasha cooed.

I just groaned and pulled the cover back up, not in the mood to reply.

"I'm going to shower first okay?" I just made some noise as an answer.

I wasn't sleeping or anything as I hid under the cover, I was awake. My mind was having their own conversation as I thought of random things and one thing leads to another. I had no idea how I landed on the topic on anatomy.

Second POV
You abruptly got up from bed and moved the cover off you, wanting a change of environment. You went to the balcony and sat on the reclining chair hugging yourself. Natasha came out of her showers and saw you sitting alone there. She went over and moved you on your side and hugged you from behind, sharing a chair.

Nat knows it was one of those days where no amount of energy would get you to move so she just sat there with you. Just her presence alone speaks volumes.

You sat there with your face dazed but your mind was still moving. You were reminiscing about your past and thinking about random scenarios while playing with your fingers mindlessly, and Nat drew random shapes on your arm while you waited for the day to end.

"Hungry." You said out of nowhere, determined to keep your sentence as short as possible. It had already passed lunch time so it made sense that you were feeling that way. Natasha took out her phone and texted Wanda to bring up yours and her share of food since she didn't want to leave you alone as well.

After 10 minutes, Wanda came with two bowls floating in the air. If she didn't have powers, she would be having trouble opening the door and entering because neither of you would be getting up.

You got up and took it from Wanda and gave her a small smile. You know it was going to be nice since Wanda is a good cook, almost anything that touches her magical hands turns into something delicious.

Surprisingly, you managed to finish the entire bowl as you listened to Natasha's rambling. She talked about Tony blowing up the lab, Steve asking about references, Vision walking through walls and Peter playing pranks on Pietro and Sam.

Somewhere along the line you just didn't feel like listening anymore so you gave your bowl to Natasha and went to bed. Natasha didn't take it to heart though, she knew your mood changes easily.

She went to place the bowls in the kitchen before getting in bed with you.

"I love you." Natasha said as she slithered with you. You went up and kissed her without saying anything. The rest of the day was spent in Natasha's arms doing nothing but enjoying each other's presence.

Written on 21 Oct 2021
Posted on 19 Feb 2022

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