Are we just a mission? N.R

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I didn't think there would be such a huge request for part 2 on the previous chapter 'Distraction/Priorities'. There are a few requests that I'm trying to merge but it should come out next week Monday.

Requested (8)

Your POV
Nat and I got married because of a mission. She needed to seem vulnerable and what's better than having a relationship? Having someone that others can make use of, to exploit, to hold as hostage.

I was chosen to be her partner, and we had a grand wedding. Afterall, the aim was to spread the words that the Black Widow got married.

The wedding itself was alright, many people were invited and every unsuspecting guest had their fun and nothing went wrong. We further moved on to our honeymoon, posting pictures of our destinations on our public account to attract attention.

Everything was elaborate, grand and sweet on the outside, but it was all just a mission for Nat. She was trained to do this. To make people see what she wanted them to see. And she did it perfectly, within four months, we got a hook.

But the mission wasn't the only thing on Nat's plate. In fact, everyone was on her plate. Almost every other night, she brought some woman into our shared house for the mission. And to make the matter worse, she brought Wanda in as well. Whenever Vision is gone, she would appear at our house and I was supposed to fine listening to them having sex, shouting each other's name. But I am a human, I have feelings too, feelings for Nat.

No one saw any problem with this because she flirts with almost every woman she sees. She never settles down, moving on the next day. But it was killing me inside, seeing her arms around other women, and them touching her. The closest I've ever gotten with Nat was probably during our wedding when we had to kiss. We don't even sleep on the same bed in our house, since there's always another woman in bed.


Since we were staying in the upper class district, we had a lot of networking events to attend. I guess this is how the rich stay rich, meeting new people and making new investments.

As per usual, Nat and I both attended the event with our limo but as soon as we enter the ballroom, our arms separate and off she goes to find another woman's arm to link.

I sighed and made my way to the bar and ordered myself a Manhattan. A guy approached and sat next to me, striking a conversation. We had a comfortable talk and I found myself laughing at his recounts and for a moment all my worries were gone. I felt free.

Sadly, the event came to an end and we had to part ways but I managed to get his number before leaving. Andrew, his name was.

It was clear as day that I wouldn't have a chance with Nat, not with how she is now. I was about to head out of the house one night when Nat came back holding Wanda, both drunk, calling her all sorts of pet names. She took one look at me before brushing me off and continuing her way up.

Not even one acknowledgment or anything. This is not even a serious relationship, why am I getting so angry about it?

I went to a bar and saw Andrew already waiting. I took a seat next to him and ordered a Manhattan to start the night.

Natasha POV
Wanda was just another fling I have. It was mutual, whenever Vision had to leave and she felt frustrated she would come over and we would have a great time. It wasn't as if Y/N were in a serious relationship so why do I feel weird these days? No matter how many other women I tried, I couldn't shake off the feelings.

I saw Y/N as she was heading out just now, she looked absolutely stunning. I've never seen her dressed up this way before. It was only when Wanda tugged me forward did I remember she was here. I didn't even get to say anything to  Y/N and she closed the door before leaving.

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