Face S.J

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"Are you ready to order?" Scarlett asked me. I nodded. Scarlett waved for the waitress' attention. She came over with a notepad and pen ready to take our order.

"Can I take your order?"

"Yes, can I have a ham sandwich and americano?" Scarlett ordered first. The waitress jotted down her order and it was my turn. I could feel my heartbeat quicken as I stopped breathing. I practically scream at Scarlett through my eyes, begging her to order for me. Scarlett chuckled before ordering for me. "She'll have the grilled chicken sandwich and earl grey." Scarlett knew my order because I always order the same things from the same restaurant. The waitress collected the menu and left the table.

"Do I have to order for you each time we go out and eat?" Scarlett shook her head.

"I just can't look at the person's face when I am ordering."

"I don't understand, you're an actress. Why is it so hard to order?" 

"I'm better at distanced, large crowds. There's no one to focus on. And I make myself believe that no one is looking at me." I explained.

"And the interviews?"

"I just look into the camera."

"Let me quiz you, who was the one who took our orders just now?" Scarlett looked at you thinking you would fail.

"Don't underestimate me. It was her." I pointed to a waitress. "I can see her shoes and accessories." Scarlett nodded, impressed.

Soon, the waitress brought our orders but I looked at my food then at Scarlett then back to my food. "They gave you the wrong order huh." I nodded. I looked around and saw that everyone was eating and nobody else got the wrong order so they must have prepared the wrong food.

"It's fine." I picked up the grilled cheese sandwich and was about to eat when Scarlett stopped me.

"But it's not what you wanted."

"It's fine."

"Fine. Then take mine. You're lactose intolerant."

"But it's not what you wanted." Using her words against her.

"But it's you."

"I love you. What am I going to do without you?" I exchanged my plate with hers.

"I love you too. You'll probably starve to death."

"You're right."

Written on 27/9/2021
Posted on 21/11/2021

I can't look at the waiter when I am ordering but I'm not that bad, I'll just point at the menu instead of speaking. If they give me the wrong order I'll most likely say nothing also. 

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now