Keep telling myself S.J

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Your POV
"Y/N! Take care of Rose while I'm out." My mom shouted from the living room as she got ready to leave.

"Got it." I shouted from my room as I closed my book shut. Rose was old enough to do most of the things independently, but it was better to have supervision.

I quietly opened her door and I could tell she was already awake but pretending to sleep. Her position was way too straight to be natural. Was this how mom noticed that I was faking too?

"Rosy?" I shook her lightly. "Alright. I guess I'll have breakfast by myself then." I sighed and walked towards her door.

I heard the blanket ruffled and her little feet running before hugging my legs, preventing me from walking any further. "I want breakfast too." I laughed at her actions before picking her up and carrying her down to the kitchen.

"Which bowl do you want today?" I asked as I placed her carefully on the chair.

"Mmm... the Elsa one!" I took her Elsa bowl and set it on the counter before taking out the cereal.

"Do you want to try to pour the cereal yourself?" I passed the box to Rose as I asked her. It was easier to clean up the cereal if she made a mess rather than if the milk were to be spilled. She picked the box up with her small hands and titled the box to pour the cereals. It wasn't a full box so it was easier on her.

"How did I do?" Rose looked at me expectantly after pouring an amount.

"Looking good." I pinched her cheeks and poured the milk for her.


"Can you change your clothes by yourself?"

"Of course. Who do you think I am?" I laughed at her remark, she definitely has her mother genes. I was going to take her out to the mall seeing how we have a whole day to ourselves. I brought her to the nearby mall since I don't feel like taking any public transport and I do not have my driving licence.

We went through a couple of shops and Rose had her eyes on one of the toys.

"Y/N! Y/N! Can I get this?" Rose came running with the box of Lego in her hands. I took a deep breath as I looked at the price tag. I glanced at the Rose looking at me with her puppy eyes and sighed. How can I bear to break her heart?

"Okay..." I paid for the Lego at the cashier and I felt my wallet got a whole lot thinner. "Let's go home shall we?" Just in case anything caught Rose's eye again, I probably don't have enough to pay for it.

Once we got home, Rose immediately went to open the box and started playing with it. Kids are always interested in new toys and forget about the old. "Y/N! Look what I made!" She showed me her creation proudly.

I smiled seeing how happy she was playing with her new toy. "I can do you one better." I challenged her. I sat down next to her and started building a structure. "Look!"

Rose glanced at my structures and looked at me and sneakily poked it, making everything crumple and fall. "Better you say?"

"Hey! I was just going easy on you." I picked her up and placed her on the couch and tickled her. She started squirming and laughing, asking me to stop.

"Stop!" Rose said, trying to breath through the tickling. "Please!"

"What are you guys doing?" Through the laughing, I didn't hear the door opened. Scarlett came back from filming and saw us on the couch together. I stopped tickling Rose and she ran towards Scarlett.

"Mom! Y/N got me a new toy today." Rose said when mom carried her on her waist and came to sit with us in the living room.

"Really?" She squinted her eyes at me. I chuckled and scratched the back of my neck.

"Well, she wanted it."

"And you used your own allowance?"

"Was I supposed to just steal it out of the shop?" I joked. "I keep telling myself to make her happy."

"And what about you?"

"She's happy then I'm happy."


Today is the Harry Potter exhibition which I have been eyeing to go to. I was finally free from studying and mom bought the tickets for me. Rose and she were also joining me since they were free and it was a weekend. There were a lot of people at the exhibition but we entered straight away since we had our tickets. At the entrance, they gave us goodie bags, brochures and booklets.

We took a lot of photos of the exhibitions and looked through all of the showcases and tried all of the hands-on stuff. Rose had fun with the employees wearing the costumes and mom was taking all the photos.

We arrived at the last section of the exhibition, shopping. Rose was of course excited with all the toys again, they have Legos, stuffed toys, figurines and clothes. She was picking them up and looking at them before putting them back.

"Do you not want any?" I asked her.

"What about you?"

"I don't need anything." She ran off towards Scarlett and the both of them walked away. Weird, did I do something wrong? Maybe Rose needed to go to the bathroom. Since both of them are not here I walked around freely and one of the wands caught my eyes. I took a look at the price tag, USD80, it was even more expensive than Rose's Lego I bought for her. I don't even know what to do with it. I want it but I keep telling myself I don't need it. Just procrastinate and I'll forget about it. It's fine. It's fine.

I didn't have enough saved up so I sighed and put it back on the shelves. I walked around some more but mom and Rose were nowhere to be found. I walked out and called mom, telling her that I'll be waiting at her car since that's an easier meet up point.

I saw them walking back with the exhibition plastic bag in their hands. "Saw something you fancy?" I asked Rose since mom wouldn't have bought anything otherwise.

"Nope!" She shook her head as she got into the car.

"Mom, you bought something for yourself ?"

"Something like that." What? I scrunched my eyebrow in confusion, why the secrecy?

We got back home and Rose immediately ran back to her room. I was just about to head back too when mom pulled me to the living room, saying she wanted to talk. "What do you want to talk about?"

Mom passed me the plastic bag and nodded at it, asking me to take a look. I looked inside and knew immediately what it was, it was the wand I picked up earlier!

"But why?"

"You should reward yourself sometime. You didn't even ask me to pay you back for Rose's Lego, so I got you this. Rose and I were spying on you earlier."

"But this was 80 dollars."

"You know I can afford it. Besides, I know you wouldn't ask for it and I trust that you wouldn't ask for extravagant items."

"I keep telling myself I don't need it. Thank you mom, you're the best!"

"And you're the best daughter anyone could ask for." Mom leaned forward and gave me a hug and I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Don't tell Rose I said this." She whispered. I chuckled, knowing she loves us both equally.

Written on 10 Oct 2021
Posted on 23 Jan 2022

I can't remember which year I went for the Harry Potter exhibition and of course I got nothing and I really did wanted the wand. Even till this day, I kept complaining to my mum for missing that opportunity. My aunt was with us and she even offered to buy one for me but of course I rejected the offer, stupid me.

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