Date/Plan pt2 S.J

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Your POV
Despite being overseas and in a different time zone, Scarlett and I often tried to find time so we could facetime, though it often ended with one of us falling asleep on the phone. Saying that I miss Scarlett was an understatement, I missed her touch, the way she would hold me as we fell asleep.

I texted Elizabeth, the next person I was closest with, who was filming with Scarlett. I asked about their estimated last date of filming to check if it lines with my schedules. My time here was about to end, so if I could proceed faster, I could head back earlier and surprise Scarlett on set.

Fortunately, after checking my schedule, I am able to end a day earlier than Scarlett, giving me time to travel back by plane. Knowing that we'll be able to meet face to face again, gave me the motivation to work even harder to meet Scarlett.

>time skip<

Finally, I arrived back in the states and headed to the address which Elizabeth texted me earlier. There was security and no matter how many times I told them I was a friend of Scarlett, they wouldn't let me in. I guess I should be glad that they don't let random people in but it kinda sting.

I had no choice but to text Elizabeth again hoping that she was not filming and she would be able to let me in. Lucky for me, she was having a break and was able to sneak me in without Scarlett noticing.

"Thanks Lizzie."

"No worries, just remember me for your wedding." She wiggled her eyebrows at me. I shook my head in resignation. I entered just in time to see Scarlett in action. I admired her beauty and talent as she acted in front of the camera. I was entranced by her acting and the emotions that she was portraying that I forgot where I was.

Lizzie had to remind me where I was, that I had to hide before Scarlett saw me. I was reluctant to leave but it was for the best. Lizzie guided me to where Scarlett's trailer was and I settled in, waiting for Scarlett to be done with her filming.

Scarlett was a very neat person, everything was in place and it was easy to find cups and drinks. Being alone in the trailer was very boring especially since I didn't sleep on the plane otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

"Took you long enough." I said nonchalantly while scrolling through my phone when Scarlett entered her trailer. I heard the footsteps stopped, so... maybe it was not Scarlett? I looked up and it was Scarlett who was looking at me. "Hi...?"

"When did you get here?" She sprinted towards me and into my arms.

"Earlier." I described the scene where I saw her act earlier.

"So long... that was about 2 hours ago."

"Today is your last day of filming right?" She nodded. "Can we go back and cuddle and watch a movie?"

"Yeah. Just let me say farewell to the directors, screenwriter and other crew members." I pouted that she was going to leave my embrace so fast. "I'll be back, baby." She gave me a kiss before leaving.

Scarlett was driving us home when I told her about the incident with the security. "He didn't believe I was your friend!"

"Baby... He was right, you're not my friend." She took my hands and placed them on her thighs. "You're more than a friend, you're my girlfriend."

"Yeah, I'll be called a liar if I walk around saying that." I said under my breath.

She took my hand to her mouth and kissed it. "Where is the confident girlfriend that I know of?"

"I left it back at work."

Scarlett unlocked the door and I followed her in. It's been so long since I've stepped into this house and I missed it so much. "Let's skip the movie and go straight to cuddling?" Scarlett asked after we showered and were winding down in bed.


"I believe my confident girlfriend will come back after she sleeps." I hung my head low after hearing what she said. "You don't have to force yourself to stay awake for me. I'll be by your side when you sleep."

I placed my head on her chest. "I'm so tired..."

"Goodnight baby." Scarlett kissed my forehead but I drifted off to dreamland.

Scarlett POV
I watched as Y/N slept. It's been long... so long since I am able to get this close to her. I used my fingers to trace her features, her eyebrow, her nose, her cheeks, her lips and her chin. I'm glad she's right back in my arms again. Even though she's not moving, it feels like I am watching a movie in front of me. She's such an interesting figure that I can't get bored watching her.

"You're not leaving again right?"

(I did think of ending it there.)

>time skip<

Y/N slept throughout the whole night peacefully without moving a single muscle, she must have been dead tired. She finally stirred awake as she stretched and rubbed the sleepiness off her eyes. "Morning Scarlett..."

"Morning, do you want breakfast or do you want to stay in bed?" She looked at me confused. "Y-yes?"

She blinked at me a few times before speaking. "How do you get so much energy in the morning?"

"Stay in bed it is."

We watched the movie that we weren't able to watch the night before, but the question was still stuck in my head. "Are you leaving again?"

"What?" She turned to look at me.

"Each time you stay over, you have to leave."

"I'm not leaving again, at least not within a year's time." She was quick to reassure me. "Do you want to go on a break? On a holiday with me? Just the two of us?"

"I thought you like to plan things ahead."

"You make me spontaneous."

Written on 23 Oct 2021
Posted on 1 March 2022

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