Coincidence pt4 S.J

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Your POV
I feel bad staying in Scarlett's house because I was not able to help in any way or form. Being stuck in the room because of my ongoing internship, meant I was unavailable for the majority of the day. I felt like I was just using Scarlett to have a place to stay.

The only time I would be out of the room was during lunch and dinner. Other than that, I was nowhere to be seen.

Scarlett POV
The closer we were physically, the more it felt like she was getting more distanced. During the scarce amount of time we have together, she always seemed to be distracted about something, not hearing what was being said at the table.

I had the opportunity to clean her room when she was asked to go to the office for a day and I saw bloodied tissues in her waste paper basket? I didn't know she had a nosebleed.

It was finally the end of the week and Rose, Colin and I usually have a movie night since none of us have to wake up early the next day. Naturally, I invited Y/N to join us.

"Rose chose Beauty and the Beast, is that alright with you?" I passed her a bag of chips. She nodded and tried to grab the snack but she wasn't able to judge the distance properly.

"Sorry, I'm just a bit tired." Y/N managed to grab the bag this time.

"Don't worry, we've all experienced it."

The rest of the movie was spent in peace but Y/N was slumped over the couch with the bag of chips in her arms. I motioned for Colin to bring her up to her room since Rose was still begging to watch another movie.

"How is she?" I asked when he came back down.

"Out like a light."

>next day<

I was wondering if she was going to come down for breakfast since she was feeling tired yesterday but I heard the stairs creaking and I knew she was coming down.

"Morning." I initiated the conversation first since I knew she would never start one herself.


"Do you have anything to do today?"

"I planned to rest."

"Sure." Kinda disappointed by her lack of enthusiasm but it was her first time working full-time. "It's important to rest." She ate her breakfast that consisted of simple bread and tea before heading back to her room. Immediately following her retreat, Rose came down together with Colin. "Good morning love."

We all had our breakfast and Rose was begging to go to the park so Colin brought her there. I was going to invite Y/N but I remembered how she wanted to rest. I stayed behind, not wanting Y/N to come down to an empty house.

After an hour, I was wondering if Y/N wanted to come down to watch a chill movie but she didn't reply when I knocked on her door. I opened her door silently thinking she may be asleep. She was asleep but in front of her laptop with her phone in her hand.

How tired must she have been to fall asleep so quickly in such an uncomfortable position.

"Sweetie, why don't you lay in bed instead?" I spoke softly and she stirred awake. "Why were you working? I thought you wanted to rest?"

"Not everything goes to plan." She said as she stretched.

"You have to rest if you want to last." I said pulling her up from her chair, not leaving any room for argument.


"No buts. You need to sleep." I put her in bed. "'My house, my rules."

I saw her tense up slightly at my words. "Sorry. I didn't mean it that way. Have you been working this hard in your parent's house?"

"It's fine."

"It's not fine. Look at me." She moved her head up slightly but still was not able to meet my eyes. I tilted her head up so we were directly face to face but her eyes kept looking elsewhere.

"Look at me."

"I can't."

"You need to rest to go further. It's like running a marathon. Pace yourself. You want to show your parents you succeeded without them and this is not the way to do it."

"I'm just lost. I don't have a roadmap planned."

"Not everyone has their future planned and those who had it planned may not succeed." Unconsciously, her eyes were able to meet mine. I didn't want her to panic or feel different so I didn't mention anything.

Y/N looked at me for a good few seconds and I knew she wanted to say something. "You can gesture if you don't dare to speak."

She shifted further in her bed and patted the empty space.

"You want me to get in?" She nodded. "Do you want me to hold you?" I could hear her gears turning as she looked away. Without waiting for her reply, I wrapped my arms around her.

"It's been years since I got hugged anyone."

"It won't be your last." Very quickly, she was able to fall asleep in my arms.

"I know you'll do very well."

Written on 2 Nov 2021
Posted on 27 March 2022

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