Championship pt 2 S.J

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Elizabeth POV
What in the world was Scarlett doing? I looked at her tear stained face and her red eyes and nose as she hugged close to me. Being able to reach the championship is a huge accomplishment and yet she was being ignored like this.

The next morning, I woke Y/N up so she wouldn't be late for her school. I gave her a change of clothes since she slept in hers yesterday. I offered to drive her to her school but she said she's fine walking to school while I grab her stuff from her house. I guess she doesn't want to go too close to her house just yet.

I knocked on Scarlett's door and she came to answer it. "Lizzie, what are you doing here so early?"

"Where's your daughter?" I asked her, ignoring her question. She gave me a confused look. "Which daughter did you think of first? I know you want to spend time with Rose but did you ever spare a thought for Y/N? She wanted to invite you to her championship yesterday but you brushed her off like this." I said all of this while still standing at her doorstep.

"I- I don't know what came over me."

"You didn't even know she left the house yesterday." I brushed past her and went to her room. I know where it is since I've been here plenty of times. She gave me a list of things to take from her room for school, not forgetting the trophy that would be given to the school.

"She came home with this in her hand and I bet you didn't see it, she said you didn't even know she came home." I said, referring to the trophy.

"I'll pass the things to her." Scarlett said.

Scarlett POV
I didn't realise I was causing her so much pain. I offered to bring her things to her school to make up for it. I know she won't forgive me this easily but I needed to put into action to show that I really care about her. I took the list from Lizzie and began packing her stuff before driving to her school.

Y/N was waiting near her school's gate and I noticed she changed her expressions when she saw me with her stuff.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you." I said as I passed her her bags and trophy. "I'm really proud of you for winning the championship." She didn't even look at me as I spoke to her. "I'll come and fetch you after class, okay?"

She nodded. At least I got some response from her. I tried to kiss her forehead but she moved away. I can't blame her for it when I have been treating her this way.

>time skip to after school<

Your POV
I packed my stuff head to the school gate. Even though I want to patch things up with her. I wasn't ready for what's to come. I recognised her car and sighed as I walked towards it.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I have done-" She said immediately as soon as I got into the car.

"Let's talk at home." I cut her off. I was trying to give myself more time to collect my thoughts. Deep down, I really wanted her back but I was also very angry. I was thinking what to say in my head but my thoughts are all over the place. Before I knew it, we reached home already.

The both of us sat at the couch without talking until mum broke the silence.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you the past couple of months. I didn't know what I was doing but now I know it was wrong. I'm sorry that you had to escape from the house and go to Elizabeth's at night."

I couldn't bear to look at her face, I know she feels guilty from the sound of her voice. But here I am, trying not to break down as well. I've done so well at hiding my feelings, making everyone think I am okay when in actual fact, I feel like I'm useless, I keep putting other people in front of me and somewhere along the line. They took me for granted.

"I was thinking what to say on the way back home." I played with my hands. "All I want is some time with you. I know your family is important. Just an hour or two would be enough for me." I started tearing up, drops of tears staining my pants as I spoke. "I just- I just need to know that you know I'm still here."

She came over to my side and pulled me in for a hug. "No. I'm not going to just spend an hour or two with you. We are going to spend the whole day together. Be it with Rose or Colin, I'm going to include you in, I'm not letting you feel left out anymore."

At this point, I was unable to control my tears and let it all out, bawling into my mum's chest as she rubbed my back and tried to calm me down, whispering things into my ears.

"I love you." Was one sentence I managed to catch.

"I love you too." Eventually, after calming down, I laid my head on mum's lap and fell asleep.

Written on 10/9/2021
Posted on 22/9/2021

I was drunk while writing some parts of this. So I don't know how it went.

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