Poison pt2 N.R

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Requested (13)

Second POV
"Y/N... What did you say? Y/N..." After asking Natasha to marry you, you fell right asleep and nothing was able to wake you up much to Natasha's frustration.

Since it was close to the time when Natasha would wake up for her training, instead of going back to sleep, she made her way to the training room not before making sure you were comfortably sleeping, pulling the duvet closer to you and planting a kiss on your forehead. "Love you." She said as she made her way out.

Hours later, Natasha went to check on you after she was done but you were still sound asleep in the same position she left you so she went to shower before making breakfast.

"How's Y/N?" Wanda came in to ask while Nat was making her breakfast.

"She's alright I guess, sleeping." Nat shrugged as she was spreading peanut butter on her sandwich.

"Sleeping is good. Heals the body." Wanda said as she grabbed her mug from the cupboard above. Both women needed their drinks before they were able to start work proper.

Natasha brought hers and your breakfast up but you were no longer on the bed, duvet tossed to a side and the dent where you were laying. Just as she placed the plates on the table wondering where you went, she heard someone throwing up and rushed to the washroom to see you bending over the toilet.

"Baby... let it all out, let it out." She rubbed your back and pulled your hair into a ponytail. "Are you feeling better? Do you need to see Bruce?" She asked as you were rinsing the taste from your mouth.

"It's alright, I'm fine." She didn't trust you and placed her palm on your forehead to check your temperature.

"Come on, I made breakfast for you." She decided not to push you since you didn't have a fever. As you ate your breakfast, you jotted down in your journal the symptoms you felt when you were injected with the poison. How it felt, how long it took before its effect started to take its toll on you and did the antidote work.

Natasha's heart broke when she first saw this journal. The number of records there were due to your parents testing poisons on you to build your immunity were staggering. But because of the journal that she was able to know how much your body can withstand. It became a habit for you to jot down what you felt ever since then.

It was a huge step in your relationship when you trusted her enough to show her the journal you kept. You've never seen her cry but when she was flipping through the journal, you had to wipe the tear off her face.

"Come on, let's go." Natasha said when you just finished your breakfast and kept the journal.

"Where?" You whined, just wanting to lay in bed and do nothing all day.

"To kill the bartender who poisoned you. And... give me a ring when we're done." She winked before bringing the plates to the kitchen, leaving you to chuckle and bite your lips by yourself. You didn't feel like leaving but if Natasha's going, you're willing to drag yourself from the depth of hell to follow her.

You met Natasha at her car after getting ready. Both of you were in clothes that were comfortable to move in. There wasn't any need to wear the standard mission suits when you were dealing with pesky minions. "Let's go, darling." Natasha said as she placed a hand on your thigh and took off.

You had no idea where you were heading but you trusted Natasha so you just relaxed into your seat until you reached the destination. "We're here." Nat informed you and you took a look outside the window, to see that you're at a warehouse?

"The same classic place?" You asked.

Nat shrugged her shoulders. "It seems that this is all they can think of."

"Well, let's get to work." You sighed and got out of the car, following behind Natasha.

She walked confidently to number 34 warehouse and pushed the metal gate aside. "Hey fellas." Oh god... just how her voice attracts you. The guys inside turned their heads to the woman's voice in shock and pulled out their guns but Natasha was faster than them.

Within seconds, each man at least has a bullet in their body. But one guy was too stubborn to go so you pulled the trigger on him. Natasha did everything for you while you stood to the side admiring. Even the bartender who poisoned you, he got a special treatment though, a taste of his own medicine - courtesy from Bruce. You watched as he struggled to breath as the poison was coursing through his veins, begging Natasha to save him.

"Babe! We're done here!" Nat exclaimed, satisfied with her work. No one messes with her girlfriends. When she turned around, you were standing right in front of her, leaving close to no space.

She leant away in shock but you pulled her closer and gave her a kiss and sneakily slid the ring you had prepared a long time ago onto her finger. "What was that for?" She asked softly as you pulled away.

You reached for her hand and placed it in front of her, showcasing the gimmer in front of her eyes. Natasha looked at the ring on her finger. She was beyond stunned. She did ask you to give her a ring but she didn't think she was going to get it on the same day.

"Come on, let's go. We still have to get married." You said from the entrance of the warehouse, breaking Natasha's trance.

She jogged towards you and you caught her hand smiling widely at her as you walked towards the car. "My turn to drive, darling."

Written on 23 April 2022
Posted on 25 April 2022

Idea and Requested by: KailynStrickland

I really like this one shot more than I thought I would :)

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