New Year's Eve S.J

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Your POV
"Happy New Year's Eve!" Rose boomed as she entered our room.

"5 more minutes..." I groaned as she got onto our bed and laid between Scarlett and I. Christmas has just passed and there's another celebration coming up. Children have it easy since they only need to enjoy it. We wanted to do a party but due to COVID, we decided to play it safe and only have the three of us.

"No mama... now! Mummy too!" She tried to shake the both of us up.

"Scarlett... I can't deal with this in the morning." I tried to push the responsibility to her. I just do not have the energy in the morning, especially when I haven't got my ass out of bed.

"Rose, come here." Rose scurried over to Scarlett's side and what they did afterwards I do not know as I have fallen asleep again.

I don't know how many minutes or hours have passed since but this time, it was Scarlett trying to wake me up. Rose was bugging her to get me to go down since they were waiting to have breakfast with me.

"Okay, I'm coming." I rubbed my eyes and did my business before going down.

"Mama... you took so long..." Rose whined.

"I'm sorry, sweetie." I took Rose to my waist and kissed Scarlett on the cheeks. "Morning to you, love."


"Cannonball!!!" I screamed as I jumped into the pool together with Rose. Scarlett refused to get into the water despite Rose and I persuasion so she just sat at the deck chair by the pool. I let Rose climb onto my shoulders and jumped off into the pool.

"Be careful!" I heard Scarlett shout from the safety of her chair. She needs to learn how to have some fun, to relax. Rose and I swam a few laps before she got tired and left the swimming pool first.

Scarlett POV
After I settled Rose, I came back to see Y/N sitting sunbathing on the deck chair I was on. "You tire her out." I said as I threw a towel across her body.

"Isn't that the whole point? So she takes a nap and lasts till midnight?"

"You should go shower." I traced her face and flicked my finger off her chin before giving her a kiss.

"Come join?"

"I'll... meet you in the kitchen." Rejecting her invitation.

"Such a tease."

"The food isn't going to cook by themselves."

After a while, Y/N came out with the towel around her neck as she was still drying her hair. She came and placed her hands around my waist and chin on my shoulder. Her wet hair tickles my neck as I try to endure the weird sensation. "You need to grow out your hair, darling. It's tickling me."

"Oh is it? Maybe I should keep it at this length then."

"I'll let you keep it if you help me cook dinner."



Time flew by as we prepared a feast for dinner. Y/N went to call Rose as I prepared the finishing touches.

"Is that food?" Rose shouted as she came down to the dining room.

"Not for you though." Y/N joked with her.

"Mama..." Rose was getting tired of Y/N's joke.  "It's not like you can finish it."

"You cheeky little..." Y/N went to chase Rose around the table before placing her on her chair.


Now that there are about two hours left till New Year, we are running out of things to do before the bell strikes. We were playing with the fireworks we saved up from the Fourth of July.

"Just hold it carefully." Y/N gave Rose the sparkle fireworks that were safer for her. There were different types of fireworks, there's one where it would spiral on the ground with a fizzing sound before shooting up with a bang and the traditional one that shoots up to the sky with a loud bang.

We don't have the latter so we settled with passing our time using the leftovers.

"Let me show you a trick." Y/N went to press some buttons on the camera she had set up on the tripod. She whispered something into Rose's ear before asking me to help her press the shutter. Using the sparkles in their hands, they made a quick gesture and the camera made a capture sound.

"Let's hope it worked." Y/N went to press the buttons to preview. "Rose look!" She bent down to show the camera to her.

"Oh my god! Mama it's so pretty!!!" Y/N passed her the camera and picked her up so Rose could finally show me the picture. It was each of them making half a heart and connecting in the middle.

"Both of us love you." She gave me a quick kiss on the cheeks as I teared up.

"Mama... ew."

"Ew? I'm going to give it to you too." Y/N started peppering her with kisses over the face and I took this opportunity to give Y/N a kiss.

"How come you'd still blush when I kiss you, but when you kiss me there's nothing."

"You just caught me by surprise, that's all."

"Don't drop the kid."


After playing with the fireworks, it was the last half an hour stretch. Both Y/N and Rose were clearly struggling to stay awake after playing in the day. Rose was sitting on my lap while Y/N was hugging my right arm trying to keep their eyes open.

There's a movie playing on screen as we waited for the clock to strike twelve. "What's your new year's resolution?" Just a few more minutes to go.

"I don't really have one. They don't work. But I guess it is to find the good in everyday life and spend time with the both of you." She shrugged her shoulders.

"I want to have all the sweets in the world!" Rose interjects. At least one of them has the energy to welcome the new year. Y/N, on the other hand, the duration between each yawn was getting shorter.

"Five more minutes, darling." It is funny how the entire day passed by so quickly but the last five minutes of the year seemed to take forever. Once it passed June, the year seemed to have sped up right till this instant. Y/N finally sat up and stretched a bit before slouching again.

Finally it was time for the countdown and Rose was the most excited. Following the host on screen, she counted down the numbers and at the end, colourful fireworks could be seen. We went to the backyard, and from a distance we could see the same exact fireworks that were streaming on screen.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!! It looks like a flower mummy!" Rose pointed out.

The night quietens down as the firework show ends. I brought Rose back to bed, it took some time because she got all excited watching the fireworks go off. By the time I went back to our room, Y/N had already passed out on the bed. I wouldn't blame her for being this tired since she spent the entire day with Rose and helping me with dinner. I love to see both of them bonding.

"Happy New Year." I said as I hugged her close. "I'm excited to spend another year with you."

Written on 5/11/2021
Posted on 31/12/2021

I wanted to add a reply but I thought it'll be nice for Scarlett to say the last sentence to you guys.

When I wrote this in Nov, I can't wait for the year to end. But now when the next day is a new year, I don't want it to come... I don't want to go to work...

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