Continue N.R

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"We're clear over here." Nat said over the comms.

"Great! We are about done here too. Gather up at the jet." Steve instructed through the comms.

"Let's go." Nat nodded her head towards the door.

"Coming!" I took big steps towards her before jerking my shoulder forward at the sound of the gunshot. Looks like life hasn't been sucked out of the guy yet. Nat heard the gunshot and turned her head back. "Y/N!" She finished off the guy and ran towards me. "Y/N! Stay with me!" She located the bullet wound and placed pressure on it. "Guy! I need assistance here!"

"Y/N! Open your eyes. Stay with me!" She said with order and anxiety at the same time.

"Nat..." I shook my head. "I'm not a super soldier... I'm not going to make it."

"No! You are strong! You are going to make it."

"You are going to have to continue...  without me... I love you."

Natasha holds your body close to her as the guys run into the room. "I love you too." The room was filled with her sorrowful cries.

Written on 8/10/2021
Posted on 10/10/2021

This is so bad, I cannot... Someone take this and make it into another chapter pls.

You can tell me if you've done it.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now