Fading N.R

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Your POV
"How are you feeling today babe?" Natasha kissed your forehead and asked as soon as you woke up.

"As good as I can feel." I said before closing my eyes again.

"Do you feel like going down for breakfast today?" Nat asked as I felt her hand caressing my cheek. I thought for a minute before nodding.

Having bread for breakfast was possibly the worst choice. The taste and smell of it made me gagged as I tried to push it down with a sip of tea.

Everyone has left the table except for Nat and I. Nowadays, it's taking me a lot longer for me to finish my food. Nat ate my remaining half of the bread before bringing me up to our room again.

"Nat... I'm tired..."

"It's alright. Go to sleep, I'll be with you." Nat cooed. I hugged her arm as a pillow before falling asleep next to her.


It started out as a normal headache, coming and going quickly. Then it proceeded to nausea and lack of energy. It got harder and harder to catch up with training.

I thought it was a slump that I was in, that I could bounce back easily. Natasha kept asking if I was okay, the lack of energy was continuing for a while. I told her I was fine and that the week of mission we went before drained me out more than I thought it would.

Then came the nose bleed. I was able to hide it from her until she saw the bloodied tissues, this was probably the last straw for Nat as she dragged me to see Bruce to get checked.

The results were devastating but to be expected. With the combination of the above symptoms, it would only be surprising if it was good news.

Natasha POV
The moment when we found out Y/N had got cancer, she was surprisingly calm. We decided to wait till she was comfortable with telling the team but I urged her to get chemotherapy.

Like the stubborn person that Y/N is, she refused to get them, saying that it would knock her out even more and she hated feeling that way.

"But we will be able to spend more time together, don't you want that?" I tried to reason with her, hoping she'll change her mind.

"Just leave me alone Nat." She got up and stormed off to her room.


"She'll come around Nat, just give her some time." Bruce said. I sighed nodding at Bruce's words, it wasn't going to be easy moving forward.

Y/N was in her bed sobbing when I went to check on her. "You look gorgeous even though you're crying." Trying to bring her spirits up.

"I'm not in the mood for jokes Nat." Y/N said as she sniffed and wiped her tears.

I got into bed next to her and looked her in the eyes. "Sorry to say, but you're not going to be able to get rid of me."

"What did I do to deserve you?"


A few months passed but even with chemotherapy Y/N hasn't gotten significantly better. She would always sleep for hours after chemotherapy and there's nothing I can do other than bringing her what she needs. The team has kindly picked up some of my work as I never wanted to leave her side. I only accepted work that can be done by her side.

"How is she?" Clint came into our room after knocking. I could only sigh and shake my head.

"It breaks my heart to see her so tired after each session."

Y/N started to stir in her sleep and Clint left to give us some space. When I turned to look at Y/N after seeing Clint leave, she was staring at me. "Can we go to the roof tonight?"

"Sure, I'll ask Wanda to set it up. JARVIS?"

"Certainly Ms Romanoff." The AI answered.

"What are you reading?"

"Phantom of the Opera."

Y/N used her elbow to sit up and I helped stack the pillows behind her back to give her some support. She nodded towards my book but I kissed her and picked up another one. "I like this one better." I went into bed with her and laid her head on my chest with my arm around her while putting the book in front of her.

"Hook, Line and Sinker?"

"Yeah." I started reading from the beginning, occasionally looking down to see if Y/N is following along with the plot.

Y/N managed to stay awake for a few chapters, before she started dry heaving again. "Are you okay?" I put the book down and gave her space in case she wanted to throw up at the side of the bed. She just held onto my arm and her other hand to her mouth until the sensation stopped.

"How about we go to the roof tomorrow? Just try to sleep for now, yeah?" She nodded and shifted down to my lap, falling asleep there. I stroked her head and as she slept, holding dear to whatever time we have left.

I fell asleep in the same position only to wake up the next morning and Y/N was not beside me. I left the bed in a panic and saw her fainted on the bathroom floor. "Y/N! Are you okay? Just give me a sign if you can hear me."
(there's one time when I woke up and I literally couldn't move.)

Thankfully I saw her fingers moving slightly so I picked her up and put her back to bed. "Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked her even though I knew I wouldn't get a reply. I moved a strand of hair behind her ears and sat next to her, picking up 'Phantom of the Opera' again.

"Nat." I immediately put my book down and looked at her.

"Hi darling. Want to go down for breakfast?" I knew no matter how tired she felt, she always liked going down for breakfast, to at least have a normal part in her life. She nodded and I carried her down since she was feeling weak.

"What do you feel like having? Oh hey, Steve." Judging from his looks, he must have just come back from his morning run.

"Hi ladies, came down for breakfast?"

"Yeah, care to join us?" Y/N invited him.

"Sure." Steve went to make himself a cup of coffee as I turned my attention back to Y/N, waiting for her answer.

"I'll have a biscuit and tea." Y/N said after thinking.

"Do you want to head to the roof after breakfast?" I said as I passed her the cup of tea. She nodded her head and I kissed her before making my own.

"With your book?"

"Of course."

"So that's why I saw Wanda going up to the roof yesterday." Steve said after remembering yesterday's event.


We went back to our room to pick up the book and our blankets before heading up to the roof. Thanks to Wanda, the roof was set up very nicely with tables and chairs for us to be comfortable.

After placing the blanket around Y/N to keep her warm, with an arm around Y/N, I picked up from where we left off. I was reading halfway when Y/N started squirming, clenching her blanket. "My head hurts... Nat..."

Her fists were clenched tight as a few tears escaped. "Should I get Bruce?" I panicked as we were nowhere near the lab.

"No. Just stay... It'll pass soon." Y/N choked out each word as she waited for the wave to pass. I could only rub her back, trying to ease the pain, feeling useless that I couldn't help my girlfriend. Minutes later, the pain finally passed as her breathing steadied.

"You okay?" She nodded weakly. "Let's go back to bed shall we?"

I carried her back down again, managing to hold Y/N, my book and the blanket. I tucked her in bed and took my laptop to sit next to her. "Sleep well. I'll be here when you wake up." I kissed her forehead before opening my laptop."

"I wanted to finish the book with you. I love you..."

Written on 12 Nov 2021
Posted on 3 May 2022

Both my grandfathers died of cancer, so I guess there's a chance I'll get it too. And three others of my relatives has survived cancer of various kind so...

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