Intern pt2 S.J

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In honor of me finishing one month of intern when I was writing this.
This is completely fictional, nothing in this is how I am like in real life.

Your POV
I was slowly counting the days until I received my first pay from my internship. I have experience working part time but nothing as serious as this. I was excited to spend my first paycheck with my family and I was logging into the online bank statement to check if the pay had come in.

As my eyes scan through the screen, the first transaction was the deposit coming in from the company I was interning for. I fist pumped in the air that the day was finally here. I ran down the stairs yelling. "Mom! Do you want to go out today?"

"Why are you so excited?" Scarlett placed down her phone and looked at me.

"I... No reason. I'm sick and tired of staying at home." I took a bite off the sandwich that she was eating.

"Sure. Where do you want to go?" Mom asked.

"Anywhere. Are we asking...?" I walked away with the plate of sandwich in my hand.

"Rose?" She answered.


"Colin? He's working. He's not going to be able to make it." Mom snatched the plate away from me. "Don't push your luck. Go and get Rose ready." I took the sandwich and ran off without the plate.


I knocked on Rose's door before entering, she may be younger than me but we respect each other's privacy and space. "Rose? Mom and I are heading out. Do you want to come along with us?"

"Yeah yeah!" She came running and hugging my legs, her head reaching my waist. "Where are we going?"

"Where do you want to go?" I gave her the choice.

"To the mall!" She punched the air.

"Okay. Can you change your own clothes?" Rose responded by darting to her closet and choosing her clothes as I went back down to wait for her with mom.

"Rose said she wants to go to the mall."


We got into mom's car after Rose came down dressed in her new clothes. I was a bit stunned when she asked me to carry her which was weird since she usually asks for mom's. I blinked a few times to make sure this was real. Mom had to nudge me slightly before I bent down to carry Rose.

"Y/N!" Rose shouted as she held my face.

"That's me." I replied. I could see why adults like children so much. They can be a handful at times but they are able to brighten your days in an instant.

We left for the mall and Rose continued to ask me to carry her while we were shopping. Mom tried offering to help carry Rose but she clung onto my neck whenever mom asked. I shrugged my shoulders, having no idea what was going on with Rose today.

Soon, my arms got tired. Let's be real here, she ain't the lightest and I don't have the muscle that mom has built up over the years carrying Rose and such so I had to place her on the ground and let her walk. Even then, she made sure she never let go of my hands as we looked through the mall for her toys.

"I want this!" Rose picked out a toy from the shelves.

"Legos?" I never understood why kids liked playing with Lego so much, maybe I don't have a creative enough mind or patience to build anything with it. "Let's ask mom if she's okay with it."

Rose started whining and I had to hush her before bringing more attention to us. "Mom should be okay with it. You have been a good girl right?"

"But I didn't let mummy carry me."

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now