That's... mom?! N.R

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Once again inspired by rxmqnvff. What can I say? I just love her books. Please go and read it. You will not be disappointed.
Though this time I didn't ask for specific permission. Just let me know if you want me to take it down.

Your POV
It was almost a peaceful day.

I was stretching my neck from looking down at the laptop for the whole day when Clint burst into my room. I jumped in shock causing me to be stuck in the awkward position I was in as my muscles tensed in place.

Turning around while massaging my neck, I saw him carrying a child in his arms. "I didn't know you had another kid..."

"I don't!" Clint shook his head. "This is Natasha!"

"What?! That's- That's... MOM?" I exclaimed. Now that he mentioned it, the red hair and emerald eyes does have some resemblance to her. It was as if I was seeing a mini her, well, in this case it was true. It's just that the glares were not having the same effect when she was in this body.

"What happened?" I said as I took Natasha from Clint. She instantly wrapped her arms around my neck and nuzzled up against me. I internally awed. I never thought I'd be able to see my mom like this.

"Loki was the last person I saw her with."

"LOKI LAUFEYSON!!!" I raised my voice causing the girl in arms to let out a whimper and snuggled into my chest. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I stroked her hair to calm her down. "Forgive me."

"Yes Y/N?" Loki happily entered my room without knowing the impending doom he was going to receive. I shot him a sinister smile with the child in my arms and he gave me a dry laugh.

I followed along with him and said. "What did you do?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Romanoff said she didn't experience a nice childhood, so I thought I'd give her a chance." Loki explained.

"Turn her back this instant!" I ordered.

"It will... eventually." Loki said sheepishly.

"Eventually? How long would this last?" I did not have a good feeling about this.

"Until she's satisfied?"

"Hey!" Loki dashed off before I could say any further.

I looked at Natasha on my lap playing with the necklace she gave me. "Looks like we have a child to take care of."

"You." Clint replied. "Most of us have a mission tomorrow.  Natasha was supposed to come too, but I guess not now. I better let Fury know about it." With that, he left my room leaving me alone with child Natasha.

"Just because you didn't experience childhood doesn't mean I want to experience motherhood so early..." I said softly to her.

She giggled at me and I picked her up and threw her gently on the bed. "You're laughing at me?" I started tickling her. "You think this is funny?"

I tickled her belly and she squirmed on the bed, trying to get away from the monstrous fingers. Unfortunately with her current size, I was able to pull her back. "Stap. Pwelse. Stap." She laughed.

"Alright. Lets' go to bed. We both know we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." I pulled away panting from the tickling.

I tried finding my smallest shirt that could fit Natasha in my closet but she dashed out of my room. "Hey! Get back here!" I started running after her. This was not going to be easy...


Day 1:
I was never a morning person. So when Natasha was nudging me to wake up, I grumbled and continued to sleep.

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