Wisdom tooth S.J

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I didn't know to write this with Natasha or Scarlett but since the previous one was slightly sad so why not use this chance to lift things up.
I actually don't mind going to the dentist but I have to make things up otherwise this scenario wouldn't happen.

Your POV
I have not been eating much because I don't have an appetite. I am constantly having a headache that shoots down my neck due to my toothache. I have been putting off going to the dentist because the last experience there was horrifying. So instead of eating, I have been switching my diet to drinking smoothies. It's safe to say it wasn't enough because I was losing weight.

I have been taking Tylenol to help with my pain but it was getting tough. Even two pills wasn't enough at times to cover the pain, making me easily irritable. I was also having trouble sleeping at night. It was getting harder and harder to hide from my mum, I couldn't hide from her for every meal so I had to pick and choose. I have been eating slower and lesser when normally, I would be the first one off the table.

"Y/N sweetie, are you okay?" Scarlett asked me one day.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"It's just, you are losing your normal enthusiasm when eating. You are normally excited about what's for lunch and dinner."

I put down my fork and took a deep breath. "IthinkIhaveatoothache."

"Pardon? I didn't catch you."

"I think I have a toothache."

"Oh dear... is that why you haven't been eating?" I nodded my head. "I know you hate going to the dentist, but if we keep dragging it, it's going to hurt even more." "I'm going to make an appointment for you and we can go together okay?"

"Alright..." I can't escape from it now...

"Here, in the meantime, put this on your jaw. It should help a bit." My mum gave me a pack of ice. It was really cold but it did help numb the pain.

"Great news! There's a slot today and we can go there now."

"Wait what!? I- I'm not mentally prepared yet!" I sat up straight at the news. We obviously have differing opinions on what's great news. She acted as if she didn't hear me and continued getting ready to leave. I groaned and whined as I got ready as well.

"Do we really have to go today?" I whined to my mum.

"You are in the car already, what do you expect?" I trashed in my seat as I really did not want to go.

>time skip to the dentist<

"Miss Y/N?" The nurse announced my name. I did not move from my seat but mum dragged my hand into the room. The dentist did a quick check on my teeth and informed us that it was not a toothache but rather my wisdom tooth growing out of place hence all the hurting. He suggested removing the wisdom tooth today so that we don't have to make another visit but honestly, my mind blanked out after he suggested removal.

Scarlett POV
I could see Y/N not paying attention anymore after the dentist suggested the procedure and I took over the talking. He asked about any allergy, height and weight to measure the amount of laughing gas to use. As the time went on, Y/N was getting visibly anxious. I held her hand to let her know I'm right there with her and that she has nothing to be afraid of.

Slowly, as she gets induced by the laughing gas, the dentist checks to make sure she's not feeling anything before starting the removal of her wisdom teeth. She was knocked out cold due to the anesthesia and I sat by the side to wait for the dentist to be done.

After about an hour, the dentist was down with the procedure and all I had to do was wait for Y/N to wake up. He briefed me on what to do and what not to do at home. No solid food for a week, no drinking through straws (something about not feeling your tongue) and to change the cotton wool when we get home.

"Mum?" Y/N finally stirred awake.

"Yes, baby I'm here." I went closer to her and held her hand. She leaned forwards and put her entire body on mine like a koala. "You want me to carry you?" I felt her head nod. "Okay, let's go then." I carried her with me and walked to my car.

"Normally people are hysterical after their wisdom teeth removal, why are you crying?"

"I on't now..." She started crying more hysterically through her muffled voice due to the cotton wool.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry. You can cry all you want." Oh god, why is my child so unlike others? When we got back home, I quickly whipped up some smoothies because she hadn't been eating much.

"Drink this smoothie and take your pain medication then you can go to bed." I managed to let her allow me to change the cotton wool in her mouth. I can see the stitches in there but I wasn't going tell her that and scare her.

"Can you- Can you stay with me?"

"Of course sweetheart."

Despite everything she's doing, she's still a baby, she's still my baby.

Written on 11/9/2021
Posted on 24/9/2021

It kinda went downhill in the second half. I didn't know what to write since I haven't had my wisdom teeth removed but I do wonder what it would be like if I were to do it.

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