Twitching S.J

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I don't know where I am going with this.

Scarlett POV
I've noticed this for a while now. Whenever Y/N sleeps, she twitches in her sleep which ultimately causes her to wake up. Sometimes I wake up because of it, but it's not that bad, I usually fall back asleep.

However, on a bad day for Y/N, she stays awake for the rest of the night. Even if she manages to fall asleep, the quality drops drastically. She only gets to sleep for short window periods before waking up again.

Sometimes it can be 3am or 5am. When this happens, Y/N would give up sleeping and be on her phone instead.  By late afternoon, she would come and complain to me that she's tired and by evening, she would be dozing off. Y/N doesn't have a problem falling asleep, she has a problem staying asleep.

Today, I was spooning Y/N again when she suddenly jerked awake. Like full on jerk. "Are you okay? Were you dreaming?" I know sometimes she dreams about some weird shit, like living with the dragons or living in a medieval era.

"I only dreamt about falling off. Just that part." She mumbled and turned to face me.

I still had my hands around her waist. "With me here, you won't be falling off."

"I can't help it."

"Do you think you can go back to sleep?"

"I'll try."

Your POV
Who am I lying to when I say I will try. I'm sure even Scarlett knows it doesn't come back. I stretched behind Scarlett's back for my phone and brought the volume to zero and muted it. Can't risk her hearing anything.

I went onto Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and scrolled through until I'm bored again before setting my phone down.

"You know, you aren't exactly being discreet with your breathing. Anyone could hear that you're still awake."

I licked and bit my lips. "I...know."

"Just close your eyes. Some sleep is better than no sleep."

I let out a sigh and closed my eyes. But I am so scared that I'll be late for work that I don't allow myself to fall too deeply in. I opened my eyes after a while thinking at least fifteen minutes had passed when in reality, only three minutes had gone by.

This kept repeating and it made me feel a lot more tired, mentally. I'm already stressing about work when work hasn't started.

It made me really frustrated. "Scarlett." I whispered and tapped on her shoulders.


"I know I have set an alarm but I need you to promise me that you'll wake me up. I keep thinking I'll be late." I confided in Scarlett.

"I promise you." Scarlett cooed and kissed my forehead. "I will not allow you to be late."

Yeah, I wasn't late that day.

Written on 10 Nov 2021
Posted on 28 April 2022

This was the period where I had low quality of sleep.

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