Temperature N.R

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Natasha POV
Everyday I would watch Y/N leave the bed early and head to the medical bay to take her temperature before coming back to cuddle with me. Same goes for the night. She would also be the most careful about her wound, checking through after every mission which was odd. Most people would be stubborn and not head to Bruce for help. It is really nice to think she takes care of her wound but at times even I think that is too excessive. 

We were coming back from a mission when I saw her bleeding from her side but she was sitting fine as if nothing had happened. "Babe! You're bleeding!" She looked down and touched her side and looked at her blood filled hands. I rushed to her and placed pressure on her wound as I ordered Steve to fly the quinjet faster.

"Do you not feel anything?" I raised my voice as I panicked. She shook her head. The pool of blood was getting bigger, the pain should have set in by now and even with me placing pressure on her wound, she did not flinch or wince. She looked as if it was a normal day.

Even when Bruce was stitching her up, she had a normal expression on her face. "Bruce, she's not under local anesthesia or anything!"

"I know." He replied.

"What? Am I missing something?" Clearly I am here. "I'm her girlfriend, I deserve to know." I pushed him further.

"Nat stop. I told him not to say anything." She was awake the entire time we had the conversation.

"You're scaring me, you know that?" She patted the bed and I sat next to her.

"I have Congenital Analgesia which is insensitivity to pain. I can feel the pressure but not the pain." She explained.

"What? You should have told me something this important!" I can't believe she was hiding something this big from me. "That's very dangerous."

"That's why I didn't tell you. You would go all protective and-"



Your POV
I didn't want her to figure out like this but I guess fate had other plans. I have lived with it for my entire life. I know how to take care of myself and I didn't want to burden Natasha. I stayed in the medical bay for a while before walking into the living room.

"Has anybody seen Nat?" I questioned Tony, Steve and Wanda.

"No. Did you guys fight?" Wanda shook her head. 

"I guess you can say that." I replied softly. I searched the training room, our room and around the compound but I just couldn't find her anywhere. I was going to give up when I remembered there's one place I haven't checked, the roof.

"You think it's fun making me look around the compound for you?" I said as I took a seat next to her. Nat took a glance at me before looking back to the horizon. "You should be resting in bed."

"Do you not trust me?" Nat continued.

"I didn't know how I was supposed to tell you. You know even telling you I don't like the movie takes a lot out of me." I expressed.

"I know. But I feel like it's such a huge thing that I felt like I deserve to know."

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you so eager to take on someone else pain when you are unable to feel it?" Nat turned and faced me.

"It- I... don't know." I honestly have no idea. It's like an instinct for me, stepping forward.

"Let's go. I don't want you falling sick on me now." Nat stood up and dusted herself off before picking me up. Despite weighing almost the same, she picks me up easily each time. I wrapped my arms around her neck as she brought us to our room. Or so I thought.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked as she put me down on the medical bay bed.

"To take your temperature." She simply stated.

Tears welled up inside your eyes. No one has ever volunteered to help me after learning about my condition. "What happened? Are you feeling alright? Uh.. No you can't feel..." You shake your head and wipe your tears and hug Nat.

"Everyone leaves me after finding out I can't feel pain." I mumbled into her chest. She patted me before lifting my head to look at her.

"I'm not going to leave you baby. I am going to make sure you don't get hurt and if you do, notice it earlier." Nat assured me. She took my temperature before bringing me to our room.

"I love you." I said as I snuggled into her neck.

"I love you too. Sleep properly. I don't want to wake up to a blood filled bed." I pouted before laying straight on bed. She leans over to kiss my forehead before saying. "Don't leave me alone in bed tomorrow."

Written on 15/9/2021
Posted on 17/10/2021

Inspired by Doctor John (Korean Drama). I feel like I'm just recommending dramas here.

Also, I have another book called Average if you like to check it out. There's like 6 chapters up already.

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