I'll find you N.R

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All the Avengers were on a mission except for you. You stayed behind because you needed to take care of your daughter. Ever since you were pregnant with Natasha's daughter, Yelena, you made a deal with Fury that at any point, only one of you would participate in each mission so another could take care of Yelena. You never wanted Yelena to feel like you were too busy for her.

Sometimes, you would go and Natasha would take care of Yelena and spend time with her. Or she would go and you stay behind with Yelena, like this time. Except, you didn't see her coming back with the team.

"Where's... Nat?" You asked wearily, fearing the worst. The team kept approaching without speaking and you could see from their face that it wasn't going to be good news. "No... No... this has to be a joke. Where is she? WHERE IS SHE!?"

Finally Steve spoke. "I'm sorry Y/N, she tried to save me and got kidnapped instead."

You heard footsteps running away and you turned around to see Yelena running away. "Yelena! Wait!" You caught up to her and she was sobbing in her room.

"Mama is going to come back right?" She hugged you and cried on your shoulders. "Right?"

"We are going to find her." You didn't want to promise her anything because you didn't want to break a promise. You haven't and don't intend to. "Look at me." You cupped her face so she would face you. "We are not going to stop until we find mama." You wanted to cry along with her but you need to remain strong for her because you are what she has to rely on now.

The team has already started working and trying to find traces of Natasha. Everyone knows how she's trained, she knows how to leave hints behind using whatever she has.

"Anything?" You stepped in when they were looking through the footage.

>time skip<

Six months had passed and there were still no clues as to where Nat was. The team started to lose hope. Nope, they have lost all hope as they stopped looking for her. Only you and Yelena were still looking for her.

You told Yelena you weren't going to stop until you found her and that's what you were doing. It was getting harder to get across Yelena as she misses her too much. She stopped going to school and you didn't force her to continue knowing her mind wouldn't be in and she would get into trouble.

"Natasha... where are you? Yelena needs you. I need you too." You could feel the tear coming so you tilt your head backwards and blink them away.

After regaining yourself, you went to the meeting where Fury would show all the recent missions that were going to be undertaken by Avengers and SHIELD. There were recent reports of a new enemy going around killing people, good and bad. Initially, it was taken by SHIELD because it was deemed as a small case but since they were unable to settle it after numerous tries, it was transferred to the Avengers.

You were going to reject this mission because you wanted to focus on finding Natasha but Steve as the captain stood up. "You can't keep rejecting missions because you want to find Natasha, Y/N."

This angered you a lot and you stormed over to him and held his collar even though he was much taller than you. "Don't you dare say her name. If it weren't for you, she would still be here and I won't be having such a hard time."

You can't say you don't blame them for not looking for Natasha anymore but you know you can't force them as well.

"Agent Y/L/N." Fury spoke through the hologram. "You're ordered on the mission as well."

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