Knife N.R

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Your POV
It was a mundane day in the compound. Sure, some of us have to go on a mission, but there was nothing exciting going on. Life was still, flatlining. People say we should enjoy the peace when there is, but honestly, we can't get used to it.

"Y/N! Can you help me with dinner?" Steve stood at the kitchen asking. It was his turn to cook and everyone loved his food.

"Sure." I got up from the couch and stretched before heading to him.

"Here." Steve placed a bunch of vegetables in front of me. "Slice this up for me, thanks." I stood there with a shaky breath looking at the chopping board and the knife. Suddenly the knife no longer looked like a normal chef knife. It was a knife filled with blood, the kitchen turned into a dark room filled with faceless men.

I was bound to the table, there were candles lighting up the area and men chanting something from a book. The guy with a masquerade mask stepped closer as I tried to break free.

Steve POV
I gave Y/N some tasks to do while I prepared the other ingredients but I wasn't hearing any chopping sound coming from her. "Y/N?" She was staring at the chopping board and none of the vegetables had been touched yet.

I tried calling out to her again but she wasn't hearing it. "Y/N." I touched her shoulder and all of a sudden she grabbed the knife and swung it at me. I managed to dodge it in time but it managed to nick the tip of my nose.

Y/N looked at me in shock and dropped the knife. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, it's not a big deal." I tried telling her but she had already run out of the room. I quickly left to find Natasha because she's the only one who can calm her down.

Natasha POV
I was working in the office when Steve burst into the room. I was going to go off at him for disturbing me but I saw blood dripping from his nose. "Steve! What happened?"

"I don't know. Your girlfriend-"

That was enough information so I cut him off. "Go patch yourself up." I left my office to find Y/N. I found her curled up in the corner of her room trembling, repeating the same words.

"I don't like it. I don't like it."

"Babe... It's me." I sat down in front of her. She didn't like people touching her so I slid my hand across the floor so that she could see that I'm right next to her. "No one is here to hurt you." I wiggled my fingers to distract her from her thoughts. It was taking a lot longer to calm her down this time.

"Nat? You there?"

"Yeah. I'm still here baby." I know when she finally gets out of her trance, it was alright to touch her. "Come here baby." She shuffled closer to me and put her head on the crook of my neck. I rubbed her back and rocked her back and forth. "Are you okay now?"

"Yeah..." She spoke softly. "I just got flashbacks."

"Do you want to talk about it? You don't have to if you don't want to." I didn't want to push her into saying anything that might agitate her.

"I- I was bound to the table..." She started her story. "...I was stabbed. It was the closest I came to dying."

"Is that why you never slept on your back?"

She nodded. "Is Steve okay?"

"He's fine. He's been hurt worse. It was hardly a cut."

She chuckled. "He's a super soldier after all."

Written on 4/10/2021
Posted on 23/12/2021

Not proud of this chapter.

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