Deaf N.R

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Your POV
I wasn't deaf since birth. I had the liberty to experience the freedom of listening and hearing on my younger days. But because of an unfortunate accident, it took away my ability to hear. Hydra must have thought, one less sense that means one less danger of getting exposed and they took me in.

It was true, I knew almost nothing. Everything I was told was written on a piece of paper, and I believed it. Until I was sent on multiple missions, I kept going in and out, kept getting brain washed, but I built up resistance. Bit by bit, fraction of my memories were retained after each session. Each time I would link the pieces and form a bigger picture until it was the right moment.

Today was the right moment, I was going to get out of here. Where I was going to go, I had no idea. Out, was the only thing in my mind.

As if god had planned this for me, a group of people attacked the base and I took this opportunity to escape. I had already managed to pick the lock of my gate using the scraps of metal I collected over the days and was running out towards the exploded wall.

I just managed to step out of the base and I felt an electricity surging through me, I grunted and continued to push through despite the pain, trying to run away, get away from here. I had only managed to take a couple of steps before a man covered in metal armour came flying down and knocked me out.


When I woke up, I found myself in another cell. Instead of concrete wall over, it was reinforced glass. I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. I was supposed to escape from the cell, not get caught and put in another. I screamed in frustration and that must have got the attention of the detainer. A bunch of them came walking in and I scoot further away from them even though I was in the cell.

I could see their mouths moving but I couldn't figure out what they were saying. This must have angered them as they started making large gestures. All of a sudden, I felt that I was blocked out from my head and the door of the cell opened.

The two ladies walked in and I was eying them, mainly their hands. If they were to strike, their hands would move first. One of them moved their hands and I looked up, ready to defend but all I saw were red words floating in the air. 'Can you hear us?'

I shook my head hesitantly. They nodded before going out, I'm assuming to report to the people outside. The bunch of people left and I was left alone again. Or so I thought. The two same ladies came back with a clipboard in their hand.

They handed me the clipboard but it was blank. What was I supposed to do with it? They flashed a question in the air again. 'Why were you in Hydra?' And passed me a pen.

I figured out what they were trying to do. "I'm deaf doesn't mean I can't speak." They nodded their heads slowly and retracted their pen.

'What powers do you have?'

I looked at the clipboard and passed it back to them, before creating an exact replica in my hand. The papers are real, they aren't going to disappear, you can write on them, tear them and crush them. They work just the same as the original.

"Hydra normally use me to sneak weapons across the borders."

They widened their eyes and looked at each other. "Anything else?" I asked.

They flashed another question in the air. 'Do you know sign language?'

"No." How would I learn anything such as sign language when I was with Hydra? It wasn't as if there was anyone to learn from. Why would they be bothered to teach someone they captured?

'Then you can learn with us while Stark makes a hearing aid for you.'

It was as if time stopped. I didn't even know I had tears streaming down my face until one of them waved their hands in front of me. I snapped out of my trance and wiped my tears away. "Yeah sure."

It wasn't the part where they were willing to teach me that made me cry, but it was the fact they were willing to learn with me. Why would they go above and beyond to do that? Why waste the extra effort to learn and teach something you don't know?

"What's your name?" I asked.

Two separate words floated in front of them. Wanda and Natasha. I see. "Nice to meet you two."

'Let's introduce you to the rest of the team.'

They opened the cell door and I followed them out. Yeah, I think I'll follow them.

Written on 17 Oct 2021
Posted on 10 Feb 2022

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