Agent of you pt3 S.J

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Your POV
This is my first time following my mom from start to finish. When I first surprised her, she had already started filming. When I graduated from school and started officially becoming her agent, she had already begun another project. This would be the first project that I'll be taking from the beginning, with Ben as my supervisor.

Since mom has selected Jojo Rabbit as her next project and has passed the audition, I started making appropriate arrangements and scheduling since some of them have to be filmed abroad. I followed mom over to Prague for the first week of filming to understand roughly how long each scene took and would be able to estimate future time taken to aid in my schedules.

I also participated in the mass reading and it was really interesting. It was as if I was listening to an audiobook but with different voices of the character instead of one person mimicking different voices.

There were lots of introductions on the first day and running around trying to figure out where things were. I had fun meeting new people, new directors, actors/actresses, producers, screenwriter and crews.

Roman was so cute and adorable, I could see why they would cast him to play as Jojo. The other actors/actresses were so professional that it was kinda weird that I was standing there as Scarlett's agent.

"Don't worry, you're doing a great job." I had the option to stay with my mom in her trailer for the duration of her stay here since I was her daughter, apart from being an agent.

"I don't think I would ever be able to stop worrying about what I am doing." It was nice being able to lay in her arms and confide.

"It stays. I am nervous too. It never goes away. You just have to learn to deal with it. Mistakes are the only way to learn."

"It's scary. It can blow out of proportion, that's what I'm scared of."

"Relax, think about when it comes. Let's go to sleep okay?"

I nodded and got into my own bed. I like being in mom's arms but I needed to think for myself.

The next morning, I had to go back to the states to settle some stuff as well as consultations with Ben. With his estimates, the filming should be done around 2 months give and take.

We started scheduling for press releases, interviews, talks/events and advertising. Scarlett doesn't go for every interview so I had to ask Ben which she went for previously. I arranged the time slot according to the requests sent by different companies and replied to their email on her availability.

This time, scheduling was a lot smoother compared to the last. People started recognising me as her agent.

I flew back to Prague again after a week and I was not sure what scene they were filming since they didn't have to film it sequentially or how much they had progressed. I know they were planning to shoot some in front of a green screen.

But it was the opposite of what I was expecting. I knew what was happening since I sat through the mass reading but seeing was different. I saw it for a split second and I turned away immediately. I knew she had wires around but...

How was I supposed to wipe that out from my memory? It was even more realistic than Vormir. I hid behind the wall and waited until I heard the director called cut.

I stepped out from behind the wall and Scarlett had just taken off the vest. It was her last scene of the day and she was free to go after reviewing the part, though the scene was more focused on Roman.

Roman and Thomasin had one last scene to shoot so they went back in front of the camera while Scarlett was watching them from behind the camera. I stepped right next to her.

"Why do you have to torture me? Wasn't Vormir enough?" I crossed my arms, looking at Roman and Thomasin acting instead of my mom.

"You saw it?"

"Unfortunately." I glanced at her quickly before looking back. "I don't think anyone has seen their parents dying so many times."

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd be back so quickly."

I sighed. "Well, it's just another nightmare to have, am I right?" I tried to play it off. "I came back with the scheduling for the press junkets. I'll be waiting in your trailer." I added quickly before turning on my heels.

Deep breath Y/N, deep breath. It was nothing, she was still there talking to you. My leg was bouncing uncontrollably and I was having trouble seeing straight.

"Y/N!" My mom knelt in front of me as I was shaking. "Breathe. Just breathe. Follow my breathing."

Scarlett POV
I saw Y/N as she left. But I remembered she didn't take it nicely when she first saw the scene of Vormir, what more when it was this. The audience wasn't going to see what she managed to see.

I rushed after her and saw her struggling to breathe. "Y/N!"

"Breath. Just breathe. Follow my breathing." I repeated until she managed to calm down. "Do you feel like throwing up?" Knowing how she would when it got too serious. She shook her head tiredly.

"I'm sorry, I'll inform you beforehand when I shoot such a scene from now onwards."

She shook her head again and placed a hand on my shoulder while looking down before letting out a chuckle. "This made me realise that nothing is scarier than you dying. I can worry about my job all I want, but I cannot afford to lose you."

I brought her into a hug. "I'm glad you found your confidence, but I am still sorry that you had to see that."

"It's alright mom. Here, these are the interviews you'd be going to."

I scoffed and took the tablet from her. "What a way to ruin the moment."

"Was there a moment?" She acted as if she was trying to think.

"It may be within working hours, but you're still my daughter so stop with that."

"I'm sowwy... Love you mom." She pulled me up to sit next to her.

"Love you too."

Written on 31 Oct 2021
Posted on 22 March 2022

Do they use mannequins for that scene? Surely they do right...?

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