3 and 6am S.J

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Your POV
I don't understand why I have been waking up in the middle of the night, around 3 and 6 in the morning, way earlier than I normally or need to wake up.

Today, again I opened my eyes to see the sky was still dark. I glanced at the time on my phone and sure enough, it was only 3.39am. I tried going back to sleep but I kept tossing and turning in frustration. Arghhh... why...

I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to have a glass of water. I figured, since I was unable to sleep, I might as well use my phone on the couch. The fridge light illuminated the kitchen as I grabbed the cold bottle of water.

And of course, when I'm not in my bed trying to sleep, I could feel my eyes closing. Trying to drag this out as long as possible to make sure I really wanted to sleep, I continued scrolling through Instagram until I was yawning and my hands could no longer hold my phone anymore. Giving up sleeping on my bed, I made myself comfortable on the couch.

Scarlett POV
I had to get up earlier today because the location we were shooting at was further away. In order to be there on time, I needed to get out of the house earlier.

I thought I would prepare everyone's breakfast before heading out, but I was greeted by an unfamiliar sight in the living room. Y/N was spreaded across the couch, her phone barely hanging on the edge.

I took her phone and placed it on the table before going back up to grab a blanket for her. I don't know what made her come down but I didn't want to disturb her since she was peacefully sleeping with her hair slightly covering her face. I covered her with the blanket so she wouldn't catch a cold before heading to the kitchen.

I tried to make as little noise as possible while I prepared breakfast. Lifting and placing them softly on the table.

After I was done, Y/N was still asleep. I packed everything I needed and kissed her forehead before leaving.


Over the past few days, I have been seeing Y/N sleeping in the living room more frequently. Whenever I walked down to the living room, she would be laying there. So this time I decided to wait for her here.

Around half past 3, I finally heard sounds coming from the stairs and I sat up to see her at the end of it. "Mom? What are you doing here?"

"I could say the same to you."

"I came down to get a glass of water." She said while walking towards the kitchen.

"Who do you think was the one who covered you with a blanket every morning?"

Y/N looked down at the cup she was pouring into. "I don't know why, but I just wake up around this time every morning... and I can only go back to sleep here."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Keeping my voice down as I walked towards her so I don't wake the family up.

"I thought it would go away." She said softly.

"Come on, let's go to bed." I pulled her away, leaving the filled glass on the table.

"Wait- but."

"No buts."

I made her get in bed. "I'll wait till you sleep." I said as I got in together with her.

"But it could be a few hours." She whined.

"Then a few hours I shall wait." Y/N sighed, knowing she's not going to be able to win this. She closed her eyes and hugged her soft toy as I held her close.

I felt blessed still being able to hold my little girl to sleep. Seeing her in my arms trying to fall asleep reminds me of the time when she was still a toddler and all the time we spent together. She would always be a kid to me, no matter who old she gets.

Despite saying it would take a few hours, it only took her in reality a couple of minutes before I heard light snores coming from her. "Goodnight. Mama loves you." I whispered and kissed her temples.

Written on 27 Nov 2021
Posted on 29 May 2022

This happened to me for a period of time. 

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