Surgeon S.J

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Your POV
I was heading back home in a cab past midnight after having an emergency surgery slot in in the last minute. Scarlett offered to come and pick me up but I told her there was no need to since she just finished filming and should take this chance to rejuvenate.

But knowing her, she would be waiting for me to come back before willing to sleep. I smiled as I texted Scarlett that I was close and was coming back soon.

Suddenly, I felt a strong impact coming from the side and the car was sent rolling, tumbling down the street. The glass shattered and I wasn't sure if I was up or down. My vision was blurry as I tried to unbuckle the seatbelt but I couldn't muster enough strength before passing out.

Scarlett POV
I heard a faint sound but I thought nothing of it. I took a look at the time on my phone, Y/N said she was close, it has been 10 minutes since she last texted, she should have been home by now.

I placed my phone back on the bed and watched the picture moving on the screen, waiting aimlessly for her. Suddenly, my phone rang and I went to pick it up. It was an unknown number... this is odd... who would have my number?

Is this the emergency contact of Y/N Johansson?

Yes. May I know who's speaking.

This is Brikins hospital, Ms Y/N has been met with an accident and is now in the hospital.

What? Alright, I'll be there immediately.

I grabbed my keys and drove straight to the indicated hospital. My mind was filled with worried thoughts as I slammed the accelerator and raced my way there.
(can you imagine if she also got into an accident? Don't.)

As I got to her ward, I saw her lying still on the bed with numerous bruises and cuts over her body with a neck brace. I let out a breath I didn't realised I was holding. I know the hospital is the place she spends the majority of the day, sometimes staying in the hospital overnight when she was doing 26 hours call shift, but I didn't think she would be sleeping here like this.

"Hey baby." I took her hands closer to my mouth and kissed it. I know the doctor said she wasn't majorly affected, but she hit her head pretty hard. "It's off your shift already, you should be home... not here..."

I rubbed my thumb against her bruised cheekbone, hoping she would wake up soon.

Your POV
The first thing I noticed before I opened my eyes was the familiar scent. It wasn't a nice scent but I got used to it eventually over the years. I groaned as I remembered that I got into an accident. I opened my eyes but was met with a hand instead.

"Don't open your eyes so fast." I smiled as I recognised the voice and even if I didn't I would have recognised the tattoo on her wrist anywhere. I held and moved her hand away while looking at her.

"Hi." I choked out. Scarlett helped me adjust the bed so I was sitting up since I couldn't move my neck much.

"Here." She passed me a cup of water. I went to grab it but it slipped my hands and dropped to the floor.

"I'm so sorry. I should have handed it to you better." Scarlett bent down to pick up the cup and took a new one to give it to you.

"It's okay."

Just then, the door swung open and the doctor walked in. He did checks on me to make sure I wasn't feeling any discomfort from my neck before talking to the nurse. I could hear him speak the medical terms to the nurse as I tried to figure out what was going on. It seemed like nothing unexpected occurred and I was cleared to leave in a few days.

"I'm sorry you have to spend your free time like this." I said after clearing my throat.

"I'm willing to spend time with you anywhere." Scarlett said as she rubbed her thumb over my knuckles.

>time skip<

I was free from my neck brace but I was still unable to move them abruptly. Scarlett was helping me pack since we've been here for some days and she brought over some stuff to pass time. I wanted to help but she insisted that I take it easy and rest instead.

"It hurts my heart to see you in this state, but if you really want to help, you can take this ipad." Scarlett passed me the Ipad but my hands were weak and I almost dropped it. "Silly you, that's why I told you to take it easy. You need to rest."

I laughed along with her. I have been noticing the same thing repeatedly, my hands were not as strong as they used to, I kept dropping things that were passed to me. At first, I thought it was because I just woke up from the accident and was weak, but days have passed and nothing has changed.

"Let's go." Scarlett got the remaining bags and we left the hospital and headed home.

After we settled down and packed everything, Scarlett popped open a wine bottle and poured two glasses, filling mine below hers. "Here." She passed me my glass. "So when are you going back to work?" She said and took a sip of the wine.

"I'm not going back." I said softly after a few second of silence.

"What? But you love your job."

"Yeah but can't you see? I can't even hold the wine glass without shaking my hands. I am a surgeon, without my hands I am nothing." I smashed the glass on the floor with anger,

Scarlett carefully stepped over the glass shards and approached me. "You can be a counsellor, a lecturer. You can still help people."

"But that's not who I want to be..." I slumped on the couch and placed my head in my hands.

"I'm sure after physiotherapy you can get your strength back." Scarlett removed my hands and placed them on my lap. "You can become a surgeon again."

"It's not that easy." I shook my head. "It's never going to be the same again. I'm never going to hold the scalpel the same way again. It's not going to feel the same." I was breathing heavily, trying not to cry.

"Hey hey, look up, calm down. Look at me." She lifted my chin up. "You're going to be okay. I'm going to be with you every step of the way."

"Scarlett?" I managed to say after calming down.


But I didn't continue speaking. She continued rubbing her thumbs over my knuckles as she patiently waited.

"I love you."

"I love you more." She kissed forehead.

"Yeah. You definitely love me more than I do myself."

"We are going to do everything together."

Written on 22 Oct 2021
Posted on 20 Feb 2022

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