Bomb N.R

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Your POV
I am standing in front of a boy holding a box. He's barely 12 years old yet carrying such a heavy burden. Everyone was running away but he was there standing still. There isn't enough time left. No matter how many times I told him to let go of the box, he stood there like a statue.

"There isn't -"

Times up.


The box in his hand exploded, sending an invisible force in all directions, knocking everything in its path. Some got hurt directly or indirectly, either by the rubbles or metal scraps that were sent flying.

But I was only focused on the spot where the boy was standing. Except he was no longer there.


I looked around. Who is calling me? Everyone is on the ground struggling to get up. My ears were ringing.


Again. Where is it coming from?

Y/N! Wake up! You're having a nightmare!

I bolted right up from my sleep and Nat was sitting right next to me. Her eyes begged for me to look at her as she tried to get me to calm down.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I sighed as I pinched between my eyes. "It's just... the serial bombing... they make me..."

"It's okay, we'll catch the culprit." Nat tried to soothe me back to sleep. I want to, but I'm too scared. Each time I'm about to fall asleep, I push myself awake.

>time skip to some day<

"Someone needs to get her out." Steve said after looking through the situation.

"What happened?" Nat asked as we headed to his direction.

"A girl is stuck in the elevator and she's too afraid to move." When we reached, we realised why Rogers didn't save the girl himself. The elevator was stuck at the top. He was able to pull the door open but his bulky features didn't allow him to squeeze through the tiny opening that wouldn't have been seen if the lift went all the way up.

"I'll go." I volunteered. "Well, I hate to admit it but I'm flat as a board. I don't think you two can fit through."

"Just be careful." Nat reminded me.

Nat and Steve helped me up carefully, trying not to jerk the elevator too much.

"Hey, I'm here to bring you out to your mom alright?" I spoke softly, trying not to agitate her. "I'm going to come closer okay?" I inched forward slowly and stretched my hands out hoping that she'd take it.

Thankfully she did. "Let's go back to your mom, yeah?" I held her firmly, making sure not to hurt her. I carefully set her down as they reunited and was about to get down myself when the elevator jerked and went sliding down.



Great, what a predicament.

"Y/N, we'll try and get you out."

"Okay, I'll head to the top of the elevator." I pop the vent opened and lift myself up the box. "Nat...? There's a bomb at the top of the elevator."

"You gotta get out of there!"

"But you know it always leaves hints at the end about where the next bomb is." I argued.

"I don't care! We can find out another way."

"And risk life?"

I whipped out my knife and started unscrewing the lid, uncovering the maze of wire. I smirked, you met your opponent this time. I started cutting the wires one by one but stopped at the last step. I pulled out my phone and started writing a string of messages, getting it ready to send once I receive all the hints.

I looked at it once over. Nat is definitely going to kill me for this.

Natasha POV
"You can't just jump in there! What if you set off the bomb?" Steve held my arm tightly, preventing me from saving my girlfriend.

"I can't just let her die there. There isn't enough time left!" I struggle to break free from his grip. Then a message came from my phone. I tried to reach for it while still being held by Steve. I shoved the phone up his face and jumped down the elevator.

"Nat!" She held onto the walls. "What if it went down further?"

I grabbed her collars and pulled her closer to me. Smashing our lips together and giving her a passionate kiss. I pulled away when I remembered we still had a mission to get to. I smacked her arm lightly.

"What was that message? 'Do you really think I want to die? Come and get me. I got half the hint.' What did you think you were doing?"

"I-" She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out in the end.

"Come on. I figured out the rest of the hint."

>time skip cause I dumb<

We managed to get to the next bomb before it blew off. It was a rather long debrief since it was a huge mission that concerned many lives. Apparently, the culprit did the same thing before going into a hiatus and coming back again. He never gave the reason why he came back after all these years.

"Are you okay?" I asked Y/N. She has been acting differently ever since we got this mission.

"Hey." I nudged her slightly and waved in front of her.

"There was a boy..." She started. "He died in front of my eyes because I couldn't save him... He was the last victim before he went into hiatus."

"So you faced him before..."

"I keep getting nightmares of him... blowing up in front of me." She trailed off at the end.

I gave her a warm side hug. "We've got him. He's gone now. So will your nightmares."

Written on 25 Oct 2021
Posted on 6 March 2022

Inspired by Detective Conan. Honestly one of my favourite anime/manga.

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