Exhaustion S.J

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Your POV
Being an actress during the Covid situation sure gave you an advantage. It allowed you to meet up with people despite the restrictions placed since they needed to film and such. People needed entertainment when they were being forced to stay at home and actors and actresses became essential overnight.

Not that it mattered to me though. I am simply an auditor whose wife is an actress and gets to have all the fun outside while I am stuck at home with piles and piles of documents to go through, not even being able to have the luxury of having the television turned on.

Not that I wish to have Covid around, but at the peak of it, Scarlett stayed at home the entire time and we had lots of fun being in each other's presence. Granted January is our peak period since most companies have 31 December as their closing account date and we wouldn't have much time to talk but it'll be nice to have her around.

I got up to refill my cup of coffee for the upteenth time and I could feel the cup shaking in my hand. I could also feel my heartbeat rising but that should be due to excessive caffeine consumed. I placed my cup of coffee on the table before starting work again. I heard the doorknob jiggle and sure enough, it was Scarlett.

"You're back so fast?" I questioned as I went to welcome her back.

Scarlett scrunched her eyebrow before replying. "I've been gone for a week babe." Scarlett touched my face. "You know what, catch." She threw at you her keys,, but it hit your face before you fumbled for it as it landed on the floor. "Please tell me you slept over the week."

"I-I... guess I did."

"You guess you did?!? You're sweating, you know that? You even lost track of time!" Scarlett attempted to wipe away my sweat.

"Really? But I feel a bit cold..."

Scarlett POV
As soon as Y/N finished her sentence. She started falling and I rushed forward to catch her before she hit the ground.


I rushed to get pillows to prop up her legs to get the blood flowing to her heart while I waited for her to gain consciousness. She most likely fainted due to exhaustion and I doubt she got any sleep in. Seeing the state of her table and the bed proved it. The bed looked untouched and I know she's not the type who tidies it. Her writing was getting messier and messier progressively.

I occasionally went to check on her as I prepared food, knowing she tends to put eating at the back of her mind when she's working. Seriously, I only left for one week. Imagine what could have happened if I left for a longer period.

I heard noises coming from her so I turned off the stove fire and went to check on her. "Hey hey hey, don't get up yet." I pushed her back down. She needed more rest before moving around again. "See? This is what you get for not having proper rest." She mumbled something but I was unable to hear it. "What did you say?"

"Nothing..." Y/N turned to face the other way.

"What did you say?" I said it more seriously.

"I was missing you..."

I sighed. "But you can't do this to yourself. You're damaging your body this way. You gave me a shock when you fainted." I couldn't see Y/N's face but I knew she was not feeling her best. "Come on, let's get you some sustenance."

I helped Y/N get up and guided her to the kitchen and gave her a soup to start. I wouldn't want to agitate her stomach by giving her something strong. "Are you going to take a few days off?"

"I don't know if I can. It's a lot of work passing work here and there too." She scratched her forehead and yawned.

"This is a sign you're tired. Go to bed. At least take this day off." I took the bowl from her and started cleaning up.

"But you just got back..." She whined.

"Just go... I'll be there soon."

Your POV
I dragged my feet to our bed and dug under the duvet. I wanted to stay awake but like Scarlett said, I was running on a thin battery or maybe none at all.

Scarlett POV (again)
I went into our bedroom and I saw Y/N snoring in bed already. I knew she couldn't last a moment once her head touched the pillow. I shook my head and got into bed with her. She's such a baby when she's sleeping. I feel bad because I have to leave again next week and I know that same thing is going to happen again. I have to find ways for her to eat and sleep properly.

I know she was tired, but I didn't think she was going to sleep for more than 18 hours. I came back around noon yesterday and it's already the next morning and she's still sleeping. "Babe, are you going to wake up?" No reply.

"I thought you wanted to work?" She started stirring in her sleep. Seriously, this lady must love working a lot. "I know you're working from home. But you have to wake up." I pulled her arms to make her sit up but she just flopped into my arms. She really wants to play this... okay...

Your POV
Cold water covered my face and I woke up immediately, choking on water that went up my nose. "SCARLETT!"

"What? You wouldn't wake up."

I wiped the water off my face and got out of bed.

"Do you really have to wear this at home?" Scarlett commented on how I was wearing formal clothes at home.

"It's called video conferencing. You do that too for interviews." I said, as I buttoned up my shirt.

Over the course of the day, Scarlett kept passing me food and snacks while I worked at my desk. When I had time for respite, I looked up to see Scarlett writing something but it was too far to see the details.

After I was done for the day, Scarlett pulled me to the dining table. "Today confirms for me that you wouldn't leave your desk alone once you start working." I sighed knowing this was true.

"So, I set a reminder for you. Near the coffee machine. The only place you visit." She pointed at the machine. Bunch of sticky notes pasted around it. "I know you just need to be reminded before you take action. So, please, act upon it when you see it. Eat when you need to. Sleep when you need to. DON'T delay it."

"Got it..." I cowered in front of her.

"Fainting was just a warning, I don't want it to escalate further." Scarlett paused. "Also, I have to leave next week again."

"I know. Our google calendar is linked."

"Babe." Scarlett cupped my face. "I'll miss you too."

I nodded. "You still have one week to take care of me."

"You bet I will."

Written on 3/10/2021
Posted on 19/12/2021

Originally it was half the length, but I didn't know how to end it so I kept dragging.

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