Nicknames N.R

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Your POV
Because I'm the shortest of the team, they seemed to have taken it upon themselves to make it apparent by calling me all sorts of nicknames.

Tony calls me shorty, Wanda calls me peanut, Steve calls me little one, Clint calls me munchkin, Thor calls me midget, Bruce calls me mini.

The only person who doesn't call me using any sort of a nickname is my girlfriend which I wasn't sure if I appreciated. Maybe we weren't close enough for her to start calling me nicknames. I didn't want to force her to do something she wasn't comfortable with.

I was stretching with all my might to grab my cup from the cupboard. Whose funny idea was it to place my cup on the top shelf? Without looking, I could feel my fingers gliding across my cup but I was unable to grab onto it.

Someone came and pressed their body against mine and helped me take down my cup. "Here you go." Nat kissed my forehead before walking away.


"Aww, too short to grab the cup, shorty?" Tony taunted me as he drank his morning coffee.

"TONY!! You better come here before I smash your coffee machine!" He started running and I chased him around the compound for putting my cup out of reach.

"Cut him some slack, peanut." Wanda caught me choking Tony.

"You're lucky someone's here to save you." I gave Tony one last smack before getting off him.

"Are you joining us for the movie tonight, munchkin?" Clint asked.

"Yeah. I'm going to train with Nat first. She should be there waiting already. See you guys later." I took off after waving at everyone.

Sure enough, Nat was already there and ready to go, unlike me who leaves everything to the last minute. "Nat..." I passed her tape for my hands to wrap around. She chuckled and shook her head before taking my hands. "You still can't do it by yourself?"

"I can. It's just better if you do it. And I get to look at your face while you do it." Nat ruffled my hair after she was done and kissed me on the lips.

Being short has its own advantages, being able to dodge attacks and lower center of gravity. Despite that, Nat was stronger and was able to overpower me as I backed off. Being short means I have to get closer to reach strike points, getting closer to the danger as their arm reach is longer.

"I'm never going to be able to defeat you." I huffed after we were done training.

"You still have a long way to go, bunny."

"Just how long- Wait, what did you call me?" I stopped unwrapping my hands and looked at her.

"Do you not like it? I can stop if you don't like it." Nat panicked for a moment.

"No! I love it. It's just- you never called me by a nickname."

"Well, I love how adorable and cute you are and how you would jump in joy like a bunny!" I squealed at her explanation and went to hug her even though we were all sweaty.

"I love you Nat."

"You're my most favourite bunny in the whole entire world."

"Ms Romanoff, Ms Y/L/N, Tony has requested for both of you to be in the living room." FRIDAY announced.

"What do you say we ditch the movie night and head straight to our room?" I said, feeling a little rebellious today.

"Anything for my bunny."

Written on 4 Nov 2021
Posted on 3 April 2022

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