Pet N.R

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I didn't name the cat Liho because, well... it's not the same cat.


Yes baby?

Can we have a cat?

You and I both know that we don't stay home enough to take care of it.

But cats are more independent.
You just need to give it food and water.
Besides, the others can help.


Actually, you don't get a say.
I already adopted it.
It's a Norwegian Forest.

You did not!
Answer me!
You're going to get in trouble for this.

I closed my phone as I picked up Caspian. "Mummy is going to get in trouble for this." He just leaped out of my lap and went into his cage. "Even you are ignoring me. You're lucky you're cute though."

I shut the cage so he was safe while I drove back to the compound. At every red light, I would try to stick my finger through and play with him. Sometimes I wouldn't get a response as he groomed himself. Okay, most of the time.

I parked the car in the garage and carried the cage in. Steve and Bucky were on a mission which was sad because they would have backed me up.

When I stepped, I was met with my girlfriend's angry face with her arms crossed in front of her. "Don't think of coming into the room with that cat."

"It's Caspian." I mumbled. I knew Nat was going to have a bad reaction but I didn't think it was going to be so strong. After moving in with Nat, Wanda and Sam came along with a spare room for Peter whenever he stayed over. There was no longer any room for me.

I went to find a corner where people hardly pass by and set up the equipment I got for Caspian. I set up his litter box next to his cage and left the door open for him to exit and enter as he pleased.

I wanted to give him a higher place to roam around, but there isn't any safe place in the living room.


"Wanda, can you help me make sure there's food and water in his bowl?" I was having a mission for the day and although I know there's enough in his bowl, I just wanted to be sure.

"No worries."

Nat hasn't accepted Caspian. We were still talking but there's always apprehension as I wasn't sure if she was mad. There's no longer any ranting and whining to her, only small talks to make sure we still had a relationship going.

"I'll see you when I come back." I scratched Caspian's head before leaving.

Natasha POV
Y/N headed out for a mission and left Caspian behind. This was why I didn't want the responsibility of owning a pet. It's irresponsible.

I was having my sandwich when I felt something rubbing my leg. I tried shaking it off but the feeling kept coming back, I looked down and it was Caspian rubbing his face on my ankles. I could hear him meowing with each rub.

"You should give him a chance. Give Y/N a chance. I've never seen her so mature before." I sighed and looked back at Caspian. Picking him up, I placed him on my lap and stroked his head. He purred at my touch and my heart melted.

Your POV
The mission was relatively fast, just a couple of clean-ups with some agents from SHIELD. I came back to find Caspian but he was not in his cage. I searched high and low but I couldn't find him anywhere. He couldn't have jumped out and escaped right?

"Nat! Have you seen-" I saw Caspian sitting on her lap and I gasped. "The betrayal! I haven't got him to sit on my lap yet." I took him off Natasha and he wiggled out of my hand and ran off. "HEY! I was the one who adopted you!"

"How did you do it?" I asked Nat.

"I just picked him and put him on my lap. He was rubbing my ankles." Nat said it as if it was a matter of fact.

"But but... arghhh" I was the one spending most time with him, why did he go running to others? I crossed my arms and pouted.

"He's like you though. I think you picked the right cat."

"What do you mean?"

"Always running to me when you're bored." Nat stepped closer to me and held my arms.

"Caspian?" Asking Nat how she felt about having him around.

"Caspian is yours."

"Oh." I breathed out. I was hoping it would be ours but at least Nat wasn't rejecting him as much now since he was literally on her lap, in her room.

"But what's yours is mine."

"So you're saying I can come back to bed now?" I looked at her expectantly, with light shining from my eyes.

"Yes... baby." She planted kisses on her forehead before I went running to the bed.

"Yay!" I leaped onto the bed with my pillow. I was so tired since I just came back from a mission that I dozed right off.

Written on 9 Nov 2021
Posted on 26 April 2022

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