Party S.J

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You were not the type that parties a lot but when your friend asks you out, you don't turn them down. So that's where you are now, in a random club with your friends. In fact, you were not with your friends, they just greeted you and left you alone by the side. It makes you wonder why they called you in the first place.

"You haven't approached her yet?" Elizabeth took the seat next to you at the bar.

"Who?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Scarlett." She took a sip of her drink.

"You didn't tell me she was here." I widened my eyes and whispered.

"You wouldn't come otherwise. Why did you think we left you alone? I only came because I couldn't stand it any longer."

"And how many times must I say it's not going to happen?" I whisper shouted. "I better leave." Just as I was about to open the bar door, Robert shouted my name.

"Y/N! Perfect timing, if you're about to leave, bring Scarlett with you. She's wasted. Send her home for me will ya?" He requested.

"What?" I was going to leave to get away from her, not get closer to her. I looked over to Elizabeth and saw her grinning. They must have been here for way longer than I imagined. I cursed under my breath as I walked over to Scarlett and grabbed her things before assisting her in walking out of the club. She was stumbling all over the place as I tried to make her walk. My car was only parked a short distance away but it felt like ages walking her that way.

We finally reached my car and I carefully placed her on my passenger seat and buckled her in before driving her back.

"Why... you never talk to me Y/N?" Scarlett slurred.

"You're drunk."

"Do you not love me?" You repeated the same words again. "You're always avoiding me. Am I not good enough?" Scarlett kept on talking and you just let her ramble on. She's not going to stop at any point soon. You hoped she wastes enough energy by the time you reached her house that she's asleep.

Soon, the drive turned quiet and it was silent all the way. You took her keys and opened the door before carrying her into her house. You put her in bed and was about to leave when she grabbed your arm, asking you to stay.

"I can't."

"Just stay."

"Please Scarlett." You pulled her hand away. "You know I can't."

"You don't have to get in bed with me. Just stay." She got hold of my hand again. You were thinking, how was this woman able to get hold of your hand when she's drunk? You sighed not being able to get out of this. You stretched over to try and get a chair to settle down. Thinking Scarlett was almost asleep, you tried to wiggle your hand out of her grasp but it ended up tighter. You groaned and threw your head back on the chair. Sleeping on the chair is very difficult but it was something you'd experience while working as an actress, sneaking in as much time to rest in between takes.

The next morning, Scarlett woke up earlier than you and was heartened to see that both of you were still holding hands as you slept. Your chest moving up and down slowly. She didn't want this moment to pass so easily so she didn't let go of your hand, but she wanted more, she wanted to be closer to you. With her free hand, Scarlett went to caress your cheeks.

Feeling a cold sensation on your cheeks, you immediately jolted up and grabbed hold of the person's wrist. Scarlett was shocked by your action and stepped back a little. You released her wrist and stood up to crack the bones on your back. Without saying anything, you proceeded to leave her room but she went to hug you from behind. You tried to release her hands from your waist but she held it tightly.

"Scarlett..." You sighed.

"Why... Why won't you love me?" You could hear her sniffles. You double tap her arm, signaling her to release her grip and turn to face her.

"It's not that I don't love you. Everyone leaves me at one point and I don't want that to be you." You explained.

"I won't. I will never leave you. Please don't go... Please..."  Scarlett was full on crying now. Your heart clenched, seeing her break down like this. The next moment, Scarlett felt her lips onto yours.

"I'm not leaving." Your future heartbreak was for the future you to deal with. Right now, you wanted to be with Scarlett and not make her cry because of you.

Written on 27/9/2021
Posted on 20/11/2021

It was really hard deciding if I wanted a sad or happy ending, but I thought each time I read other one shots, I would prefer a happy ending. Though sad ending often leave more rooms for part 2.

The sad ending was Scarlett was faking being drunk. She was tipsy but she wasn't drunk and we know it so we left her alone to sleep.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now