Helping hand N.R

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Your POV
"Let me help you Nat!" I saw her holding a bunch of files that even goes over her head. Currently, SHIELD is under construction and lots of the documents have to be transferred out. You would think that a highly technological company such as SHIELD, would have most of their backups online but there are a number of archives to be transferred out. Furthermore, SHIELD is associated with other companies which are not that reliant on technology.

I took half what Nat's holding so she could see where she's heading. "How did you know I was here?"

"Only you would be working here. The rest would rather work in an office, not carrying heavy files."

I helped Nat transfer the files out for the next hour and I could clearly tell she doesn't need help. My arms needed a break after taking a few trips and she continued without stopping. I looked at Nat as she walked past me and she shrugged her shoulders as if saying 'I know I'm stronger.' Now, I really love her but that's a blow. With a huff, I stood up and continued helping her.


I was waiting for Nat to come back to the compound when I saw her driving back a truck? She said she had to stay in SHIELD to settle a few more things but she didn't say anything about driving back a truck.

"Nat! What is this?" I went down to welcome her back as she hopped out and opened the back of the truck.

"Fury said he only has space for weapons that contain powers that need to be locked up. So I brought the rest back." My jaw dropped seeing the amount of weapons brought back. I knew SHIELD had lots of weapons but seeing them all together was something else. The entire truck was filled to the brim.

"It's okay darling, I'll bring these up and we can cuddle later."

"No! God knows how long you'll take. Besides, two pairs of hands is faster than one." I gave her a kiss on the cheeks before taking one of the crates myself.

"These are heavier than the files you know?"

"I know. You're stronger than me anyway." I winked before bringing them to the storage area. 

Sure enough, I was again tired before Natasha was. I ended up stationed at the truck, moving the crates from the back to the front so that Nat could take them more easily. I gave Nat the last crate before sitting down at the edge of the truck. My arms were dead tired by the end of it, they were shaking even though I tried to control them.

"Nat... I'm not going to train tomorrow. I wouldn't be able to lift my arms." Nat chuckled before closing the truck and carrying me over her shoulders. "How do you still have energy?"

"I don't. That's why I'm carrying you over my shoulder."

"Okayyy, just don't drop me." I let her do that since I had no energy to argue.

'I wouldn't allow myself to do that."


Natasha POV
Y/N is the best girlfriend anyone can have and I'm glad she's mine. She always tries to help in ways she possibly can and knows what's her limit. I just finished up my training and I was curious as to where she was since she didn't come and disturb me. I quickly finished up my shower and asked the team where she was considering I haven't seen her since this morning.

"Y/N went to get groceries, she should be coming back anytime soon now." As if on cue, the door swung open and she came back with bags and bags of goods. I ran towards her and stretched out my hands.

Y/N looked at me and said. "Yeah? What do you need?"

"The bags. I'll help you carry them."

"Oh!" She passed me the bags that filled her right hand. I took that and the left hand's worth. "Thanks Nat."

"No problem."

She looked at me as I still had my hands out. "But you took all of them already."

"You. I'm asking for your hand in marriage."

Y/N smirked. "Well, then I am waiting for the ring." She took my hand and kissed me on the lips.

"Oh I am waiting for you to choose it with me. You can choose whatever you want." I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her.

Written on 9/10/2021
Posted on 16/1/2022

I know traditionally, the engagement ring is meant to be a surprise but you could always choose it together.

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