Neglect S.J

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Imagine your parents being the chairperson of an esteemed club/association. You are allergic to something.

Teenage reader.

"I'll see you for dinner later?" My mother said as she watered her plants with a spray bottle.

"Yes mother, as soon as I'm done with filming, I'll be there."

My family is quite reputable. I wouldn't say we were famous but famous people knew us. We host charities, events and they would often be invited to join.

I let out a sigh as I stepped out of the house. It was very stressful being there. Having to watch your actions, manners and speech. It was tense maintaining a facade, there was never a moment I could let go.

"Hi Scarlett, are you going to the dinner later?" I saw her sitting on her chair, waiting for her scene to shoot.

"Hi Y/N. Yup, your mom is hosting it isn't it? I think the rest would be there too."

I sighed as I slumped onto the chair with my name. "Yeah..." I placed my hands behind my back and took a breather. I was not looking forward to it.

"Can I-" Before I got to ask my question, Scarlett got called for her scene.

"Sorry honey, we'll talk later, yeah?" I nodded as I watched her back get further away. Soon, I was called by the makeup artists. Looks like everyone was gearing up for work.

After an intensive day of filming I was tired but satisfied, everyone was on their best performance and the director was happy after a few shots. Happy director, happy actors? Safe to say, filming went really smoothly.

... I kept pulling my mind away when it drifted to the dinner that was coming. I just want to enjoy the freedom I have before having to stress about it again.

Eventually, I was unable to delay the inevitable and presented myself at the dinner. Scarlett and the rest had arrived before me since I was discussing my next scenes. I put on a smile and greeted everyone at the table. It was the annual gathering for the association and most members were invited.

"Hi mother." I said as I took the seat next to her. People around the table were discussing politics and when they asked for my input, I tried to give as neutral an answer as possible. Dinner was served and my smile faltered slightly before picking up my spoon and smiling at my mother again.

The food was screaming at me not to eat but I couldn't. "How's the food sweetheart?" My mother inquired.

"It's good." I said after taking a bite. I could feel my throat clawing at me as I proceeded eating, each bite was a struggle as I attempted to swallow my food. I stifled my cough as I gripped onto the spoon tightly. I felt my chest constricting as I tried to breathe.

Something came up and my mother was forced to leave her seat. I took this opportunity to leave the room and went to the bathroom. I was scratching my neck, as if it would make the airway bigger. I pulled out my phone from my pocket but it slipped from my shaky hands and dropped to the floor.

"Y/N!" I heard as the door banged open.

"S-Scarlett..." I struggled to speak. She seemed to have understood what happened and took my phone to call the hospital.

Scarlett POV
Y/N has been uneasy ever since the food arrived. I wasn't sitting near her but I was able to sneak a couple of glances every now and then as I hid it by looking around.

She was gripping onto the table and looked to be in pain. When I saw her leave the table, I immediately followed after her.

I saw her drop to her knees and struggling to speak and picked up her phone to call the ambulance. I have never seen her in this state throughout the times we have filmed together.

"Y/N! Y/N! Are you okay?"

Oh god, why isn't she responding? I checked if she was still breathing and thank goodness she was even though it was weak.

Soon, the ambulance came and she was driven to the hospital. There was such a commotion and I was surprised that her mom or the others didn't realise was in such danger.

I got with her in the back of the ambulance as they rushed her to the hospital. The paramedics gave her an oxygen mask for breathing and asked if I knew the reason why she passed out, but I was unable to help much.

The doctor assessed her situation and found out that she was having an allergic reaction to shrimp.

"We've given her medication for her allergies and inflammation. She is able to leave once she wakes up." The doctor informed me. I thanked the doctor and went in to see her.

The scratches on her neck were evident as I sat next to her, contemplating whether to call her mother.

"Don't call her."

"Y/N! You're awake. Why did you eat the salad when you're allergic to it?" She remained silent and looked away. I connected the puzzle pieces in my mind, her mother was the one who was hosting this gathering, she was the one who chose the meal, she was the one who sat closest to her.

"She doesn't know you're allergic..." I deduced. Her silence confirmed it. "How dare she! She's your mother."

I saw her get out of her bed. "Where are you going?"

"Home. She's not going to be happy."

"That's not a home." I caught her wrist.

"You're right, it's just a shelter with a headmistress and headmaster." She looked at me with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"You can't go back there! You could've died!"

Her wrist escaped my grasps. "Don't worry, she's not the one who cooks at home." She said with such composure that it was scary.

And she left. I let her go. I let her go back to the hell hole she does not deserve.

Written on 29 Oct 2021
Posted on 15 March 2022

Slightly lack luster in my opinion. Well, most of my chapter are.

Part 2? If so, I need ideas.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now