Acknowledge me/Sorry S.J

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Currently, I am out shopping with my mother with her new boyfriend. For what did they bring me along? I have no idea. All I did was tag along behind them. I should be glad they didn't lose me at the mall. Though to be honest, it almost happened a few times. They would walk off without telling me and I'm left to search for them amongst the sea of people. Lucky for me, they didn't walk far.

Now, we are finding our way back to the carpark, but since the mall had plenty of new sections since their last renovation, it was quite complicated finding our way back. They have been trying to retrace their step but to no avail.

"Mom... it's this way." I pointed to the elevator that brings us up.

"Just let us think about it, Y/N." Scarlett said before looking around, trying to bring up any recollection. I brought my lips to the side and sighed. Fine... if this is how you want to waste your time wandering around. I was 97% sure I was right. We walked the entire mall from top to bottom and I was pretty confident in my sense of direction.

"It's this way." Scarlett said, walking in the direction I pointed to earlier, after trying the upper and lower levels. If they had just listened to me, we would have been in the car already.

I got into the car grumpily, annoyed that we have to waste extra time finding our way out when it could have been done in a matter of minutes. "Alright. What's with your attitude lady, Colin and I tried to bring you out but you weren't being appreciative."

"Sorry." I replied. It was easy to apologize, it's what I have been doing my whole life. It's almost a reflex. Besides, it's just a word, how hard can it be. What matters is the actions after. If it makes people happy then I'll say it, even if it doesn't make me. I didn't know the trip was for me, it sure didn't feel like it. All I did was tag along like a puppy. I didn't even enter any stores I like. I was just waiting outside the store while the both of you shop.

"I can see you rolling your eyes young lady." Scarlett said from the front row seat.

"Sorry." I said again.


I was having a really bad day in school, we had to stay back after school to discuss some group projects and the same thing happened. I suggested an idea only for it to be shot down. But when another group mate suggested it, it got taken up immediately. What the hell? I sighed and screamed in my head. Let's just get this project over and done with. I can't deal with this anymore.

I went back home not in a good mood after the project meeting and mom had to add fuel to the fire by saying I have been having an attitude these few days. It was already evening by the time I went home so I really didn't want to waste my energy arguing with her. I still had homework to be done and they are not going to be complete by themselves.

"Sorry." I mumbled before making my way to my room.

Mom however, had other plans in mind instead of allowing me to retreat to my room. "Why have you been so off lately?"

I was on a short fuse after today's incident so I yelled. "I DON'T FEEL LIKE TALKING!" It wasn't my first time yelling at mom, but never with anger. Now I definitely am not in the mood to do anything.

"Why don't you come here and talk to me." I was expecting mom to be angry for yelling at her, but I didn't expect her to speak with kindness. It really making me feel out of place and guilty for shouting at her.

"Come on." She patted the couch next to her. "I'm not angry. I promise."

I dropped my bag at the side of the couch before making my way towards her. "You want to tell me what's wrong? You've never been so irritated before." Mom said before bringing me to a side hug.

I told her what happened in school and at the end of it, I let out a deep breath, feeling a lot better after getting it off my chest.

"Sorry that you are so irritated now." Mom rubbed my arms.

"It's not your fault."

"Was that why you were irritated the other day?"

"Which day?"

"That day at the mall." My eyes snapped to hers before looking away.

"No. Nothing like that."

"I can tell you're lying sweetie."

Should I tell mom? I don't want to regret it. "I'm not going to say because I would rather get angry at myself for not telling you, than to be angry at you for not remembering." I shook my head and looked up at her with pleading eyes.

"Sweetie... you can tell me."

I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. "If you must know, the other day at the mall, I had already imagined the route in my head several times before telling you the direction. So I wasn't too happy to walk around trying to wait for you to find the exit. I didn't even do anything that day. You know I wouldn't have said anything if I wasn't certain."

"I'm sorry, I should have thought of your feelings and taken your suggestion into consideration."

"When I make a suggestion, it has already gone through my mind several times and a few steps ahead. I don't mind if you have a better solution but I hate it when someone suggests the same as mine."

"I got it sweetheart. I'll try my best to never do it again." Mom pulled me into a hug which I returned. I missed this feeling.

"Yeah try to remember it, else I'll be real mad." I let out a chuckle and mom kissed my forehead. "Can we cuddle and watch a movie?" I was still set on not doing anything for the rest of the day. Fuck homework.

"Anything for you."

Written on 5/10/2021
Posted on 2/1/2022

I started writing and I got distracted writing about my life and it got longer than expected.

I'm starting work tomorrow and I don't want to go... help...

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