Last name N.R

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Just a story about Nat or the Avengers being here for you. No relationship here.

People think if you have Stark as your last name, you're set for life. What they didn't know is the pressure they have to carry, the expectations people have of you and the stress you have to carry on your shoulders.

I tried every way to make my father happy, it's safe to say he didn't want me to stain his name. Parker would be a better son for him. Inviting him every other day to the compound, making gadgets for Parker. Not even I get as much attention from him. Whenever I ask to  spend time with him, he would be busy or be spending time with Peter. Even papers to be signed are signed by Pepper and not him even though I handed it to him. It's as if he doesn't want me to have anything to do with him.

If that's what he wants, I'll give it to him.

I have been doing my research on what's needed for a legal name change when Nat suddenly came into my room. I quickly change tabs on my laptop to prevent her from seeing anything.

"I just wanted to check on you. How have you been feeling?" She patted my head and asked.

"It's fine, I just feel- there are a lot of things to do. COVID you know." I lied and gave her a light smile.

After she left, I went back to research. Changing name is the easy part, the hard part is changing all other documents such as names registered in school, insurance (if any) and birth certificate.

I guess I'll also have to choose what I want my last name to be.

After collecting relevant documents and sending them to the authorities all I have to do is wait for their reply. But I was too careless, I thought they would email me their reply but they sent a letter! A government letter sent to the compound with my name on it. Of course they are going to call a meeting!

"Would you care to explain what this is?" Tony Stark tossed the letter at my face.

"Tony!" Nat stood up for me.

"You stay out of this Romanoff. This is family business."

"According to this I'm not your family anymore." I finished glancing through the letter. "Since you don't want me around. I'll leave. You're free to adopt Peter if you want." I walked closer to him.

"Don't bring him into this."

"Why not? You seem to enjoy his presence a lot." I announced. "This is the longest conversation we've had. And it had to be this. You never spared me a glance so why bother now?" I shouted the last part.

Tony remained silent. "Nothing to say? I guess I'm right, you don't love me. You never did." I walked towards the door.  "I wish you good luck in your future endeavours." I said softly with my back facing him.  I rushed back to my room and packed my stuff to get away from here. Taking clothes from my closet and putting them into my suitcase. 

I didn't care where I went, as long as I got away from here. Steve, Nat and Clint have been trying to persuade me from packing but I just couldn't live in the same space as him anymore.

"Where are you going to go?" Nat asked. She looked at me walking around the room.

"Out. As long as I am out of here. I don't care." I continue packing the last of my stuff. There wasn't much since it didn't feel like home anyway.

"You can't be living on the streets." Steve said.

"Why not? I'm not a Stark anymore." I zipped up my suitcase, getting ready to leave.

"You can stay with me." Clint suggested.

"I can't do that." Clint has his own family to take care of.

"Just go with him. For the peace in our minds." Nat pleaded.

I took a deep breath. "Fine, only for you guys." "But please don't tell him."

Written on 11/9/2021
Posted on 4/10/2021

I didn't specify the last name you chose in the end but I'm curious to see what last name you guys would choose. Any last name you fancy? Doesn't have to be Marvel.

Also, I haven't done much research about changing names so please don't go thinking it's easy to do so. Each country is different.

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