Withdrawal N.R

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TW: Use of drugs

Natasha POV
I finally saw the quinjet landing from a distance and rushed to greet my girlfriend. But all I saw was Steve getting down from the quinjet without anyone following him.

"Where is she?" Anger and worry were slowly growing. Steve was supposed to help her evac from the group she infiltrated a year ago.

"We brought her to the hospital first."

"What!?" I turned to leave, but Steve grabbed my wrist and tried to explain.

"She's not hurt, she's alive, she's awake. You just have to understand that she had no choice but to do it." Steve seemed desperate to get my understanding.

"What are you talking about?"

Second POV
You were sitting on the hospital bed scrolling through your phone and jumped in shock when Natasha burst into your room. It was as if a lion was going to pounce on you and you raised your arms to defend yourself. The paw never strike and you lowered your arm slowly.

Natasha was sitting on the chair and looking at you. You chuckled nervously as you greeted your girlfriend.

"Steve told me why you did it. How could you be so reckless?" Nat was holding back her anger that you did something so unimaginable.

"Which 'gangster' wouldn't take drugs or smoke? I would get suspected if I'm clean. I have to be one to act like one."

"You know what's about to come right?" You looked down and nodded your head. "Where do you want to do it? Here or the compound?"

"The compound..." You whispered.

Natasha went to get the discharge paper done and when she came back, you were cowering underneath the cover. The craving for the powder was so strong that self control was almost wiped out from your dictionary. Natasha got under the cover with you to try and get you to concentrate on her and calm you down.

Rules were set as soon as you arrived at the compound. No one was allowed to bring you to the lab in case you had the urge. Training rooms were also off limits just in case you turned to the blades.

The first week was bearable, you threw up occasionally but you still ate your food. However, the following week was crazy. You were not even allowed to leave your room. You begged Natasha just to give you a little but she wouldn't budge. After thrashing around, you laid in your bed dazed. Natasha still stood by your side each day. No matter how many times you woke her up in the middle of the night, she would try to take your mind off it without complaining.

There often would be sleepless nights where you weren't able to calm down and just asked to be let out and have freedom for a day.

"Nat... it's too hard." You were sobbing on her shoulders after an emotional wreck.

"You're stronger than this baby, you are doing very well." Nat hasn't been on any mission since you came back. The information you came back with was so critical and Fury appreciated your work by not placing Nat in any mission.

Nat placed the record player on so you could go back to sleep. You didn't trust yourself so you hugged Natasha's arm as you tried to stop the trembling. She whispered every few minutes to encourage you and remind you that you're improving.

The next morning you didn't feel like doing anything so you didn't get out of bed. Natasha tried to get you to eat but you stuffed your face in the pillow and ignored her.

After a series of negotiations, you finally took a couple of bites before planting your face in the pillow again. The entire day you ignored anyone who tried to talk to you. Steve, Wanda, Tony, Bruce and Clint tried to talk to you but they wouldn't receive any response.

>time skip< Idk what to write anymore

You were recovering, things were getting better after a few months, you were still a bit fidgety but you were able to get through your day with Nat watching you. Whenever you had nothing to do, you would start thinking about the pleasure it brought you as you played with your fingers. Nat would place her hands on yours and bring you back and ask a random question to try and get you to think of something else, mostly about the next meal, where would you like to go or bring you out for a walk.

You were playing with your food when Nat asked a question. "Marry me."

"Huh?" You weren't sure if you were in a delusion and heard the question wrongly.

"Marry me." Natasha repeated.

"With me? In this state?" You were shocked to say the least.

"No matter what state you're in, I want to be with you. I want to be by your side every single day, with you next to me when I wake up, and go to bed with you at night. I can't imagine doing anything without you. So marry me."

You were shocked speechless and left your mouth hanging. You never knew Natasha loved you to this extent. Marriage was never a topic of conversation in your entire relationship, but you didn't have to think about it. "I'd be happy to."

Nat pulled you over and gave you a passionate kiss that you haven't felt for a long time. With her, you were certain that both of you could overcome any challenge that comes your way.

Having Natasha by your side definitely makes your day better and you have the honor of calling her your wife in the future.

Written on 5 Nov 2021
Posted on 7 April 2022

Don't do drugs, kids, please.

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