Too comfortable N.R

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You were on a run from Hydra and at the same time being wanted by SHIELD. Life was not going well for you at this moment. Too much unwanted attention on you and you needed out.

Your first idea was to get out of the country, it would be harder for them to find you in places they do not have authority in.

So that's what you're doing, trying to escape the country by a boat. You started the motor and steered off the dock when someone shot your engine. Behind cover, you tried to fix it and make it work but it was dead.

You're not far from the shore and you could swim back but you didn't want to risk getting caught. So you ended up taking the long route round and swam until your legs couldn't bring you any further.

You didn't have any credit card with you cause that would be stupid, but you can't spend any cash as people would be looking at you strangely if you handed them wet cash. With no other choice left, you head towards an abandoned building, hoping to be able to get some rest. Without any warmth and the wet clothes sticking to your body, you were trembling in the cold as you tried to sleep.

The next morning, you woke up to a woman sitting in front of you. You immediately tried to get up and run away, but you were pinned down by her. "You didn't really get very far." She said.

"Not when I don't have the right tools Black Widow." You kicked the back of her head and took this opportunity to run away. You knew you had to find a more secure place to hide so you felt in your pockets that the cash was dry enough to use. Coupled with those that you pickpocketed along the way, you managed to raise enough cash to stay in a hotel.

You knew from experience that you were having a fever, last night's antics had caused you a downfall. In the luxury of the hotel, you took off your musty clothes and showered. Hoping to get better quickly, you put on the hotel bathrobe and went to sleep again.

Sleep did not come easy as you were constantly coughing and your body aches. You had no money left to buy any medicine and getting room service would be risky. All you could do was rest and hope that it would go away.

Again she was there when you woke up. You jumped out of bed before dropping to the floor coughing. "Just take me. I give up." You laid on the floor not moving, admitting defeat.

"Who says I'm here to catch you? I've extended your stay in this hotel so don't go anywhere." With that, she left the room. You continued lying on the floor processing what just happened, wasn't the Black Widow part of SHIELD?

You also saw a bottle of medicine on the table with a few spare clothes. You couldn't understand her gesture. Why wasn't she bringing you in? You contemplated taking the medicine, it could be poison and you would never know. You shone light through the pill but you couldn't see any telltale signs.

You decided to take the pill, if you were not going to die of poison, you were going to die from the cold. You also put on the clothes she brought after checking it, making sure there were no foreign substances.

At night, she came back again but with food this time. I went to decline but my stomach betrayed me. "How are you getting in?"

"I paid for the room, obviously they gave me an extra card."

Nobody said anything as dinner went on. As soon as we were done eating, she took the trash and left the room. This continued for a few days, she would bring lunch and dinner when she could, eat and leave immediately. Few words were exchanged.

Today was different, she sat on the couch after eating but you didn't protest. Afterall, she was the one paying for your stay, food and clothes. "Are you feeling better?"

"Huh? Y-yeah." I was taken aback by her question.

After a few minutes, she left the room. This continued on for a few weeks. She would spend some time in your room before leaving, sometimes staying until before midnight.


But that was what got you here. Surrounded by agents at the dock. Being comfortable is a weakness. It makes you let your guard down, makes you complacent. But what could you do? You were utterly in love with her even though you've barely spoken to her.

But she tricked you. And now, you have to get out of this alone. She should have just brought you in the moment she saw you, why did she let you live?

You were never going to let yourself be comfortable again. Never.

Written on 7 Nov 2021
Posted on 17 April 2022

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