Call pt3 N.R

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Your POV
After Natasha said she was going to 'get me back' she wasn't joking. Each day before I head to work, there would be a package left for me. Either a bouquet of flowers, a gift, a note or a breakfast snack for me or Ashley.

She's putting me in a difficult spot, it's not that I don't want to just throw them out but I find it such a waste that I just bring them in the house and place them somewhere for it to collect dust until I forget about it. I don't understand what's the fun about flowers, they are going to wilther in days and I have to clean up the mess.

But knowing Natasha, she isn't going to stop until she gets what she wants so I wrote her a note and left it at the place where she drops her gifts each day.

Stop giving me flowers.
I hate them.

I didn't know what time she usually comes and drops them so I stuck the note to the wall with a tape so it wouldn't fly away.

It was nice receiving notes though, I would give them to Ashley and have her practice her reading skills as we ate our breakfast. It was funny how she would mispronounce some words or invent her own pronunciation.

Today was the same, after picking up the note for Ash to read, I brought her to school before heading to work. It was a success selling to SHIELD, after all, they were a huge company and with the kind of activities they were engaged in, car sales weren't a problem.

The problem that was looming on us were our competitors, they kept spreading rumors that the cars we were advertising and producing were not up to standards. Boss wasn't too happy about it but there was nothing I could have done. I am tasked to speak to potential clients and explain to them how our car works. Actual producing, works on the car were not up to me. But as far as I was using the car the company supplied me with, everything was working fine.

However, in the hierarchy of a company, if the boss is not happy, the employee wouldn't be having a great time either. Thank goodness I got my bonus before this happens.

Finally it was the end of work and I was excited to pick Ashley up from school. She ran into my arms once she saw me and I gave her a lasting hug. Taking in her energy to refill my own and pushing away the bad day. Seeing my kid smile makes everything better.

"Mama, are you okay?" She asked when she noticed that I hadn't pulled away from the hug.

"Mama's great. Let's go." I helped her in the car and drove off once I made sure everything was in place.

As per usual, she started talking about the things she learned in class while I nodded along. Her teacher was really nice and it's great to see that she likes going to school instead of dreading it. There still are plenty of years of schooling and I didn't want her to have a bad connection with it.

Natasha was standing outside our house when we reached home and I couldn't tell how long she had waited. Nevertheless, I ignored her and proceeded to take the keys from my bag.

"I want to bring you on a date." She started. "7pm tomorrow, I'll wait for you at our usual place." She stated her piece before leaving, giving me no room to reply. I haven't even closed the door and she already left.

I sighed as I placed Ashley on the ground and left her to run into the house somewhere. I began my preparation for dinner after shedding my work clothes and into some comfy ones. Once it was done, I called Ashley down for dinner. When I didn't hear her after a while, I went to find her playing in her room half dressed. She must have gotten distracted while changing halfway.

"Ash..." I said while leaning on the door frame. She looked up at me and realised what was wrong when I didn't say anything.

"Oops, hehehe." She chuckled before finding her clothes that she left on the floor and began changing.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now