Blow pt1 N.R

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Natasha always puts up a strong front but there are times when she needs someone as well. That's where you come in. She so happened to be blowing out a candle after the black out in Stark tower and you appeared behind her with a plate of cake in your hands. She was shocked by some intruder in her room but whatever she did, she was unable to hurt you. You stood there and took her attacks and bleed but it'll heal within a moment. She finally stopped when she realised there was nothing to be done to hurt you. Both of you stood there in silence unsure what to do but you could hear her thoughts.

Does she think I am a monster? Does she know that I killed people?

"You want some?" You made the plate of cake float in front of her. She looked at the plate and looked back at you. "Right. It's half eaten." You quickly retract it back and vanish before coming back with a fresh plate. "Feel like taking up the offer?" You presented the cake in front of Natasha. You thought she was not going to take it since she just stared at you but she ended up accepting it. You gave her a wide smile.

"Is nobody in the tower?" You asked since nobody came into the room after hearing the fight.

"They are used to it." You nodded your head. "Well, if you feel like talking to someone, you can blow out a candle or a lighter and I'll appear." You walked out her door and Natasha immediately rushed forward afraid that someone would see you, but you were nowhere to be seen.

Back in your house, you live with a grim reaper in a huge mansion. Having lived for thousands of years you have accumulated a huge fortune and what better way than to spend it on a plot of land and a house? You have a trusty friend who helped with all your finances and legal matters. After all, your legal documents such as ID, drivers license can't be used for more than 100 years. You don't need a passport since you can travel between spaces by just opening a door.

"Don't you have work to do? What are you doing here?" Due to some special circumstances, he started living with you too. But goblins and grim reapers aren't supposed to mix.

"I am." He grabbed his hat and left.

I swear, this guy only knows how to wear black. After he leaves, you are left all alone in the huge mansion. You have spent the majority of your life alone and you have experienced all the history that your country has been through. To fill your boredom, you picked up a book and started reading. But your mind is filled with the lady that summoned you. You knew you could get summoned due to your curse that allowed you to be immortal but it was your first time experiencing it. You weren't sure if you were going to see her again or you have to wait another eternity before getting rid of your curse. 

You groaned in frustration and set your book aside before opening the door to her room. She stood up in shock but relaxed when she realised it's you. You looked around to see that she was in the same room as before. You see, you opened the door to where she was and not the specific room. "Don't you ever leave this room?"

"What? Of course I do."

You nodded your head and your eyes drifted to the device in front of her. There's light shining through the screen and it turned black after a while. "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing. I didn't get your name the other day."

"It's Natasha Romanoff."

"Nice to meet you, my name is Y/N Y/L/N." You extend your hand for a handshake. "I'll see you soon, yeah. Hopefully not in this room again." With that, you stepped out of the room again. You left Natasha very distraught, she thought she was hallucinating the other day but apparently not. The plate was still on the table that she forgot to give it back to you. You'd think after meeting all the aliens and robots, she would be fine meeting another species but she was still wrapping her head around it. No one has approached her like this, other than Clint. The rest of the team were still a bit apprehensive around her. Soon, the alarm sounded signalling a mission for the team so she got suited up and left.

You went back to your house and immediately drew up a picture of the device you saw in her room earlier and showed it to your friend. "You want a phone?"

"Is that a phone?" Even living for so long, you didn't interact much with the outside world. "Purchase one for me."

After getting your first phone and help with setting it up, you immediately went to find Natasha again. You wanted the first contact to be hers. "Natasha!" You waved your phone in the air excitedly only to see her face bruised with cuts. "What happened during the last few hours?" You can only imagine it being worse underneath her clothes. 

"This is... just normal daily business." Natasha almost spilled the truth.

"Well, I'll wait for you to clean up. I'll see you in an hour?" You left the room before allowing her to reply. You may think you are patient having lived so long, but you were looking at the clock and counting down the hour. Doing anything that can take your mind away while still looking at the clock.

"5...4...3...2...1.... Ok times up." You immediately turned the door knob and walked into her room seeing her sat at her desk typing away. "Seriously, do you know what is rest?" She turned her head to face you and took a glance at the time. "I just got my phone, do you want to enter your number?"

Natasha looked at you hesitantly before punching her number into your phone. You looked at her intently as she slid her finger across your phone. "Thanks." You said as you got back your phone and sat at her bed. She crossed her arms and looked at you. "Not one to talk much?" You questioned. As much as you wanted to start a conversation with her, you had no idea what to talk about. You can't possibly talk about your past in case you scared her away. Then, you remembered her thoughts you heard on your first meeting.

"Why would people think you are a monster?" You placed your palm on your chin as you asked.

"What?" Her demeanor changed.

"That's what you thought of the first time we met."

With you, Natasha felt like she could trust you, that you wouldn't judge her based on her past. As if the floodgate was released, she told you everything from top to bottom while you listened to her, nodding at some parts of her story. You were still very attentive, not interrupting her so as to not break her train of thoughts. By the time Natasha finished her story, it was close to midnight.

"Sorry, I don't know what came over me. I usually am not like this." You knew what was the cause of it, your connection. Being a goblin was your curse, and the only way to break the curse was to find your partner and Natasha can't get out of it, but you didn't want to force her.

"What you need is a getaway." You commented. "Not once did I hear you relax when you told your story." Natasha opened her mouth to speak but you stopped her by pulling her arm and opening the door to a field filled with dandelions. "I am not going to ask you to stop what you are doing. But you have to rest if you want to continue to save the world."

The both of you spent an hour or two at the field before Natasha's head collapsed onto your shoulder. You carefully picked her up and walked back into her room before setting her down on her bed. You left a note on her table.

You know how to find me if you want to go to the dandelions again.

Written on 21/9/2021
Posted on 31/10/2021

Part 2 next week?

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