Time S.J

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Scarlett POV
Y/N has joined us to play the third sibling of Maximoff. The producer, director and her school have kindly accommodated her schedules and allowed her to study virtually. When she's free, she will be studying in her trailer. Nobody dares to enter her trailer abruptly. Even though she is just a child, she has quite a temper. I've experienced this myself. I thought she was having an hour break so I entered her trailer only to see her still moving around, not resting.

"Isn't it your break time?" I asked.

"Scarlett? Is it important? I'm busy." She moved her assessment books around while getting a writing pad out without looking at me. I'm guessing she is trying to get on track with her studies since studying away from school is tough.

"Um... nope."

"Then?" She said irritatingly.

"Nothing. Sorry for bothering you."

Your POV
I felt really bad for being so cold to Scarlett but I really had a lot of things to do. Yes, I was supposed to be having my break but I used this time to shower and do my homework so when filming ended, I'll be able to do more work at home. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to finish the rest of the work that was given to me. There's no going to ask for help from the teacher. There isn't even enough time for lunch.

I was going through my science question when Chris (Evans) came to tell me that it was my time for filming. It was the scene where the Wanda is showing them their worst fear. I was running around making noises to separate them so that she and Pietro could do their work. This severely drained me. I know I was tired and I am at the point where I am too tired to do anything. I could hear my stomach grumbling but I ignored it. I sat at my trailer not doing anything but I could feel my heart beating quickly. I stare at the wall doing nothing but I feel so guilty. I should be using this time to study, not lazing around.

"Y/N, it's time for your scene again." I could hear Scarlett knocking on my door, speaking as she stood outside my trailer.

"Got it!" I groaned as I stood up, I didn't even have the strength to hold every teenager friend, my phone. Let's just hope I don't forget my lines and don't spend extra time on set.

The makeup artist made sure I looked the part before allowing me to step onto the scene. I was going through my lines with the script on hand but I couldn't focus. I had to go back to the beginning of the sentence after every few words. My hand was trembling so hard that I had to set it on the table to read it, otherwise it would be too shaky.

Scarlett POV
It was not my time for filming so I watched Y/N as she made her way in front of the camera. She seems so much smaller and softer. Whenever Elizabeth was talking to her, her voice was a few notches down from normal.

"Action!" I heard the director shout.

Y/N, Elizabeth and Aaron went into character as they acted in the scene where they found out what Ultron's true motive was. It was a rather short scene but it dragged on for some time due to all the retakes.

"Y/N, I know it's supposed to be anguish but I need more feelings from you." The director commented and she nods. "Action!"

They redid the scene again and finally the director was satisfied with it. Y/N was chatting around Lizzie and Aaron before leaving the pair alone but she stumbled on her feet before Aaron managed to catch her.

"Are you okay?" He asked, concerned.

"Yes. Sorry."

"It's okay. Why don't you go and take a rest. The next scene is quite intensive." She nodded and I decided to follow her to her trailer. Without her knowing, I managed to hold the door before it closed and let myself in. Her trailer was in a messier state than when I came in before. She still hasn't noticed I entered her trailer and went straight to her table opening her laptop.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now