Bored... S.J

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Your POV
So I had this incredible idea of pranking Scarlett last night before I went to sleep. You see, Scarlett was away filming her movie for the past week and I have been very bored, extremely bored. So, I planned everything and invited my friend, Audrey, to meet me the next morning.

"You can't expect me to trick Scarlett!" Audrey disagrees with my plans.

"Yes you cannnn. Scarlett won't expect anything from you." I really needed her to be onboard with me. Scarlett was coming home soon and there wasn't any time to call someone else.

"She's literally an actress. She's going to call out my terrible acting! You have so many friends and you chose the one with literal zero acting experience." Audrey rambled on about how this plan was going to fail.

"You said it yourself! You have no acting experience, Scarlett isn't going to think you're tricking her. Pleaseeee. I owe you one." I placed my hands together and begged her. 

Finally she caved and agreed to it.

I took out the fake blood I brought from a party store and started spilling it on the floor and onto myself as if it was flowing down my legs. While going through the plan, I passed the retractable fake knife to Audrey who was still very apprehensive about this. "Come on, you can't back down now." I reminded her.

Scarlett POV
I finally finished the last bit of filming yesterday night but it was too late to drive back so I stayed in the trailer until it was morning and much safer.

I parked my car in the garage and once I got out of the car, I could hear Y/N screaming at someone. Who was she arguing with that her voice reached the garage? She usually never raises her voice at anyone.

"I told you I can't!" Y/N shouted. I wasn't sure if I should interrupt this, what if it was confidential or something about her work?

I was about to sneak past the kitchen and into our room when I clearly heard Audrey's voice shouting. "I DON'T CARE! I don't understand what you love about her."

Were they talking about me? Or are they discussing a movie? It sounded like a heated discussion.

"I love Scarlett! What has that got to do with you?"

So it was about me.

"If I can't have you... no one else can..."

That sounded ominous so I decided to step in in the end. My eyes widened at the sight I was greeted with. A knife lodged in Y/N side and blood already soaking the wooden floor we have. How is the blood flowing so fast?

"Y/N!" I dropped everything and rushed to her side as Audrey was just standing there not doing anything.

"Y/N!" I placed her head on my lap. She was still holding onto the knife and her breathing was unstable. "What are you still standing there? Call the ambulance!" I shouted at Audrey.

"I- I was only told what to do until now..." Audrey said as she played with her hands.

"What? Someone ordered you to do this? Aren't you her friend?"

"It's me..." I turned my head to Y/N who was speaking properly. The knife was in her hand and she used her finger to push the knife in, making a scratching noise. "The blood is fake too." Using her 'blood' soaked hands, she smeared it on my face with a cheeky grin.


"You think this is funny?" I said in a low voice after taking a deep breath. "Playing with my feelings?" I got up dropping her on the floor with a thud. I took the knife from her and 'stabbed' her with it.

"Ouch... It's sharp, it still hurts..." She said while rubbing the spot I struck at her.

"You deserve it."

"Scarlett..." She said when she saw me walking away.

Your POV
I saw Scarlett's face as she walked away. I couldn't tell if she was sad or mad, it was a mixture of emotion. I felt bad, maybe I should have chosen another prank or not done it at all.

I sighed before remembering Audrey was here as well. She was rubbing her sweaty palms together looking at where Scarlett went and back at me. "I'm sorry you can leave. I'll clean this up."

"Are you sure? I can help." She whispered, not wanting to agitate the angry woman upstairs.

"No it's alright. I want to be alone too."

"Alright." She nodded in understanding. "Call me after." She said before making her way out.

I started cleaning up the floor, it was slightly stained in red after being left on the floor for so long but with a bit of baking powder, vinegar and arm strength, I managed to make it squeaky clean again. I chucked the fake knife in the bin before going up to Scarlett.

It's almost an hour now, she should have cooled down right?

I stood outside the door, contemplating whether I should go in and what I should say. I did this because I was bored and now I'm left with this mess.

Taking a few deep breaths, I placed my hand on the door knob preparing to go in, thinking I would just go with flow and speak whatever comes to mind because I'm seriously blanking out right now.

The door swung just as I was about to twist the door knob and it hit my nose. "Ah!" I squatted down and rubbed my nose, tears threatening to fall.

"Oh shit. Are you okay?" She bent down and checked. "It's not broken is it?"

"I don't think so." I ran my hands down my nose and nothing seemed out of place. I looked at Scarlett as she took care of me.

"I'm sorry." I blurted. She sighed and we ended up sitting on the floor.

"Why did you do it? You could have used another method to get my attention." I nodded as I dared not look at her as she continued to speak. "Don't do it again, please?"

I nodded again. "Words please."

"I won't do it again."

Written on 8 Feb 2022
Posted on 9 Feb 2022

Requested by: addy_addison

Not my best work, I'm sorry. The ending is kinda shit.

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