Admit it pt2 N.R

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Your POV
After giving Natasha her medicine I went back to my room because it was very likely that I was going to catch what she was having. You may think, since both of you are sick, why not be sick together?

Well, you see... my immune system was weaker than Nat's is and I was going to have it tougher than hers. I didn't want to delay her recovery since the team needed her. But apparently she was feeling more than fine when Steve told me that he saw her walking out of the compound.

"What was she thinking?" I coughed slightly before taking my jacket and mask to find her. (you should wear a mask if you're sick, with or without covid happening.)

I went to the park to find her and even though I was wearing my jacket, I could still feel the wind touching my skin as I shivered. I pulled my hood up as I scanned in the crowd for a certain redhead.

Searching through the majority of the park, I was convinced I was able to find her here, but as the time passed, I was starting to think if she went somewhere else. Not wanting to waste my effort since I was already here, I combed through the entire park but she was not seen.

Maybe I was looking at the wrong place all along, perhaps she went to the store instead. I turned around but that's when I saw the ends of her hair and she was being shoved into a van. "Nat!" She didn't react to my scream as her body was limp in the arms of the masked men.

They noticed that they were caught in their act and rushed through their motions. By the time I ran towards them, they had already driven off. "NATASHA!" I screamed at the van that was vanishing down the road.

"No no no. This can't be." I muttered before running back to the compound. I took off my mask as I was running as it was constricting my breathing.

I burst into the compound and everyone looked at me with the sound I was making. "Nat... she..." I start coughing profusely, my vision was getting blurry. "She- she got taken." It was getting harder to breathe as I tried taking in the air.

"Y/N!" Steve came to hold me as my body went limp.

Avengers POV
Steve brought Y/N to the medbay and Bruce started treating her. Everyone was in the room looking at Y/N while their mind drifted to Natasha.

"So, Natasha. Any clues?" Clint said bringing the ideas together.

"Y/N said she was going to check the park for her, so I guess that's a place to start." Steve said and Tony got to work quickly. Using FRIDAY to scan for facial recognition on the CCTVs around the park until they hit a match.

"Got it!" Tony announced to the group who was pacing around waiting for the result. "We just need to see where the van leads us to." The rest of them nodded and went to get ready so they can move out immediately when they have a location.

"They are currently 10km west. I'll keep FRIDAY running it for any updates." Tony updated the team before it was his turn to get his techs.

"I'm going too." Y/N's voice came out behind them catching their attention.

"You're sick. It's going to be dangerous." Steve tried to persuade Y/N from participating.

"I'm going and no one can say anything." She said sternly and everyone kept quiet while they watched her leaving to prepare herself.

During the flight there, although it didn't take long with the quinjet, it felt like hours for Y/N. She wanted to make sure that her girlfriend was safe. God knows what Hydra can do to her.

Once they reached the location that FRIDAY had pinged, the team started to take their place. It was predetermined in every mission so everyone knew what they were doing and where they were supposed to go.

Your POV
I was going through every door as quickly as I could, scanning for Natasha. Each room took less than two seconds of my attention before I moved on to the next. The rest were shooting whoever they met in their path while I just blaze straight through.

"Nat!" I called when I saw her sitting on a chair with all sorts of wire attached to her. I can only hope they have not done any substantial damage to her. I told the team I found her and began trying to wake her up.

When she was not responsive, I ripped all the wires from her before placing her on my back and carrying her out. The team begins to retreat as this was a retrieval mission, not to clear out the bunker.

"How is she, Bruce?" I asked impatiently as he was taking her blood pressure.

"I will only know more once we are back in the lab, but she should wake up just fine." Bruce assured me as I continued to stroke her head.

"Baby... You can't leave me alone..." I said while placing a kiss on her forehead.

With blood taken from Nat, Bruce got to work as soon his foot stepped into the lab. Natasha was laying on the bed with the machine tracking her heartbeat and temperature.

I sat there stroking Nat's arm until somewhere along the line I fell asleep. The next time I woke up, I was lying next to Nat and it was her turn to hold me when I was asleep. "Hey, you're awake." Natasha whispered.

"Uh, yeah. Are you feeling better?" I asked, sitting up slightly as we both rested our back on the headboard.

"Yes. Bruce gave me a rundown earlier while you were asleep..." I could tell that Nat wasn't done with her sentence and I looked at her silently waiting for her to continue. "And... I've got a bit of power. Just like heighten senses or something. Like I can hear and see better."

"Oh." I breathe. "Anything else?" Nat shook her head. "Okay..." I tried processing everything. So now my girlfriend has power.

"Now that we're done with my side. Let's go to yours, why were you on the mission when you were sick?" Nat narrowed her eyes on me.

"I wouldn't have been sick if you didn't make me. Also, you were the one who went out when you were supposed to stay in the room."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Nothing..." I said, slowly trying to get out of the bed. Once I was in a position able to jump out of bed, I took my chance and dashed off.

"Y/N! Get back here right now!" I heard Nat scream behind me and I laughed all the way back to our shared room.

Written on 20 April 2022
Posted on 22 April 2022

Ideas and Requested by: NatashaRomanoffPOVS Becca220406

Am I the master of merging request or what? Nahhh jkjk, I left out a lot :p

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