Second chance N.R

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This is like a continuation from 'A chance' but it can be read separately without having to read the first part.

Your POV
It's been a few years since Nat gave birth to Riley. And now she's five. How time has flown.

Nat proposed and we got married once Riley hit one. She is loved by her uncles and aunties who often volunteered to babysit her whenever Nat and I wanted to go out on a date.  It was just a small wedding at the backyard of the compound no matter how much Tony wanted to offer us a grand wedding. We also didn't go on a honeymoon because we couldn't bear to leave Riley behind for so long.

It's tough getting the parenting part down. We wanted the best for her and at the same time not forcing her, giving her the chance to explore. We tried being patient with her, gave her the respect and space she deserves. If she's not crying and running away, I guess we are doing our jobs alright? It's tough when one parent is away for a period of time.

Did I mention that we were still staying in the compound? It was only us and Wanda on our floor. Initially, we were considering moving to an entire new floor but we thought it would be better to stay. It was easier that way to have another pair of eyes on Riley.

"Darling, what are you thinking about? Riley and I have been trying to get your attention." Natasha shook me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, I was daydreaming."

"It's okay momma. We were wondering if you want to head down for dinner?" Riley asked.

"Sure. Let's go princess." I picked her up and acted as if I was going to throw her in the air causing her to squeal and hold my arms. I could never get tired of hearing her laughter.

"Seriously, what were you thinking about?" Nat whispered in my ears as we took the elevator down.

"I'll tell you after dinner."

Dinner at the table was entertaining mostly because of Riley talking about her day in school. Nat and I wanted to provide her as normal of a life as possible. It was mostly me who would fetch and pick her up from school as I was the lesser known Avenger, mostly assisting at the side line. On times when I go for missions, Nat or Wanda would be the one to do so.

After putting Riley to bed, Natasha asked worriedly. "Darling... what's on your mind?" Thinking it may be something bad in my mind.

"Just... Do you really want another kid?" I asked. "I know we discussed this when you were pregnant with Riley but is it really necessary for me too?"

Nat held my hand. "I'm not going to force you if you don't want to, because it is your body at the end of it."

"Should we discuss this with Riley? She is part of our family too." I asked. I wouldn't want her to feel left out and having a sibling is kinda a big deal especially when she's still young.

"Sure, we can ask her tomorrow after she comes home from school." Nat said before we both drift off to sleep.


"Princess, can mummy and I talk to you for a second?" We went into her room to see her playing with her toys and half done drawing on her table. I ignored the mess in her room for the time being knowing it wasn't past her play time yet. There wasn't any reason to keep the place tidy until later. 

"Yes momma?" She looked at me while her toys were in her hand.

I don't know how to approach this so I looked towards Nat for help. I've never had this conversation before and so did Nat but I figured she was better with her words.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now