Blow pt2 N.R

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Your POV
After meeting a few more times, Nat and I are officially together. I met the Avengers because they happened to have a meeting and I walked into it. After hearing my situation and powers, they offered me a position but I turned it down. I told them if they really needed my help, they could always ask Nat to call me. After this, I freely enter and exit the building, sometimes staying over at their compound. But when Nat comes back after a long mission, I would always bring her to the dandelion field. 

Perhaps because Nat is slowly unlocking my curse, I am starting to slowly lose my powers. Things stop being able to float when I want them to and I keep walking into the wrong room. Once, I was on a mission with Nat and the team and I got scratched on the face but it didn't heal and I had to think of all sorts of excuse to reason with Nat.

There's a period of dry spell where I didn't go and see Nat at all. I also did not know if she tried summoning me and it didn't work or she just didn't want to see me either.

One day I was eating in my house when she summoned me and I appeared in a meeting. I almost choked on my food seeing all of them looking at me. I slammed my chest and swallowed my food. "I'm... guessing you need my help?"

"No, Y/N. You need our help." Nat stated. As if the entrance didn't shock me enough, she was confusing me even more.


"You are losing your powers. You aren't healing properly and when you go on missions with us, you are using less and less of your powers."

"So? I just didn't feel like using it."

"You're lying." Nat stepped closer to me and pulled out a knife and stabbed my side.

Everyone gasped. "Nat!" Her teammates didn't know she was going to use such a drastic move to get me to say the truth.

"Heal yourself. Prove to me that I'm wrong."

I sighed and ran my hand across the wound, hoping that my powers would not fail me now and showed her that the wound is gone. "Are you happy now?"

"You're lying." She raised her hand and pressed on my wound. I hissed in pain and grabbed her wrist begging her to stop. I was only using my illusion powers to hide the wound. She got Bruce to stitch me up and forced me to explain what's happening.

"I am becoming a human."

"You can lose your powers so easily?" I looked at the rest and they took the hint and left the room.

After taking a deep breath, I said. "Being a goblin is my curse. The only way to unlock it is to find my partner, which is you."

"How are you so sure it's me?" 

"Only you can summon me." And I quickly added. "Don't you think of leaving me. It's not going to stop just because you leave."

"I'm not going to leave. I just wanted to help. Sorry for stabbing you." Nat sat beside me.

"That's nice, but what a way to help." I scooted over the bed so she could come in.

"Let's set some ground rules. No more missions for you. You're going to stay here from now on. And your only job is to be my girlfriend."

"Got it ma'am. I just need to go back to settle some things."

Despite my protest, Nat insisted on accompanying me to my house. I had dialed for my friend in advance to meet him at my house. I gave him instructions on what to do with my house and the remaining assets that I have. The house would be transferred to his name but the grim reaper can continue to stay there. As for my financial assets, I did think of asking Tony for advice but Natasha said to ask Pepper since she's the one managing his company. I thought about it but ended up giving it to my friend too. Him and his older generation have helped me a lot throughout my long life and this is the least I can do. They are already rich so this wouldn't affect them much but it makes me feel better.

Nat and I are back in her room and she continued tracing her fingers over my stitches. "Nat, stop."

"I don't know why I did it." Nat said softly.

"My powers are not completely gone yet. I will still heal, just slower. Stop worrying about it."

"Promise to tell me when your powers are completely gone?"

"I promise. Even if I don't tell you, you'll know. You see through everything. Even earlier, I thought I managed to trick you."

"I see through everything." Nat smirks.

Written on 25/9/2021
Posted on 7/11/2021

Inspired by Goblin/ Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (Ttokkebi)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it used to be called Goblin before they changed it to the longer name. 

Guess which idiot got her new apple watch and had black widow logo as the lock screen? That's right, this idiot.

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