Nerf gun N.R

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Natasha POV
"Honey! I'm home!" I called out to my girlfriend as I stepped into the house. She usually comes forward and hugs me when I come back from work so this silence was a surprise. My mind instantly drifted to bad thoughts. Did someone get her? Was there a break in? Is she hurt?

But my eyes caught sight of the bright sticky note that was pasted on the nerf gun lying next to the couch.

I am hiding somewhere with another nerf gun.
Winner gets the last ice cream.
Good luck. Xx

I smirked and picked up the gun, she doesn't know who she's messing with.

Your POV
I heard Nat coming back from work and went back into hiding. She may be the Black Widow but she doesn't use nerf guns. They are two different things, the bullet velocity and the drop are different. Our house is quite big so there's lots of ground to cover. Lucky for me, I know where she was. Nat started from the front door and would systematically clear the room, checking each corners. Not so good being predictable, yeah?

I ran forward in front of Nat and smirked. She tried to pull the trigger but it was stuck. Seeing the shock in the face was really funny. "You need to know your weapon to win. I am giving you a chance Romanoff!" I said before taking off again. The gun I gave her needed to be switched on, making an engine sound so I know where she was.

"That's not fair!" Nat shouted. I wanted to reply 'life's never fair' but I didn't want to disclose my location. It is getting more interesting since Nat knows roughly where I could be after appearing in front of her.

I don't know how but Nat managed to find my hiding space but I ducked before the bullet could hit me. We started running around in circles, trying to hit the other person. Here comes my last card. Natasha's magazine was only filled halfway. She didn't have nearly enough bullets compared to me. You should have seen the shock in her eyes when no bullets came out when she pulled the trigger.

I slowly walked towards her. "You need to learn to check the gun, Romanoff."

"Where- where did you learn so much from?" Acting as if she was going to die.

"Let's just say I've watched enough action movies to learn a lot." I said before the rubber bullets touched her shoulder.

"How are you so good at this? I am the assassin here." Nat said as she got up from the floor.

"Because I am one step ahead of you. You have to make sure you get an advantage in the field. I knew where you were the moment you stepped in. I was surprised you managed to find me though." I went to the kitchen to get the ice cream.

"There was only so much place you could hide in that section of the house."

"Ahhh. I should have thought of that." I nodded my head after thinking about it. "Here." I passed her the ice cream.

"I thought you said there was only one left?" She took the ice cream from my hands.

"You needed motivation." I sat on the couch next to her.

"You are all the motivation I need." Nat kissed my cheeks before eating her ice cream. I stuck my spoon in her tub of ice cream and she glared at me.

"Hey, I was the one who won." I put her in her place before she said anything.

"I'm only allowing this because I love you."

"I love you too."

Written on 2/10/2021
Posted on 4/12/2021

Inspired by a clip on Instagram.

I am planning to write a part 2 but I am not sure what I want to write.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now