She did all this today? N.R

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Your POV
"Babe. Can you help me collect everybody's paperwork and pass it to Fury?" Nat came into our room and asked.

"Got it."

"Can you clean the training room today?" Steve came into your room and asked.

"Got it."

"Y/N, Tony asked you to go to the store to buy snacks for the movie night later." Thor spoke loudly as he entered my room. And before I could reply, he'd already closed the door and left. "Got it..."

"What are you going to cook for dinner?" Clint came into my room to ask.

"I'm... not too sure." It was still too early to think  about it.

"Okay. What about beef stew?" He suggested.

"Okay... sure..." With that he left the door. I glanced over to my clock and sighed. 11:12am. The day just started and I already have a list of things to do that are not my own. Well, it was my turn to cook dinner.

I thought I'd have a relaxing day since I only have a bit of paperwork to be done but I guess not. They also didn't know I had other people's requests since they all came in at different times. I quickly finished what I had in hand before going around collecting paperwork and at the same time telling them beef stew was for dinner. I dropped off the stack of paperwork at Fury's office before heading to the store to get snacks for movie night.

Natasha's request check. Now for Tony's and Thor's.

I went into the store and grabbed a bunch of snacks, sweets, gummies, ice cream, drinks, alcoholic and non alcoholic, etc. Of course not forgetting the pop tart unless I want my head to be chopped off. I also went to buy the ingredients needed for beef stew. I wouldn't want to have to come out again just because I missed something when cooking.

I finally reached the compound with bags and bags of groceries. After putting them in their respective places, it was finally time for the most dreaded task, cleaning the training room. Cleaning the floor is easy, it's cleaning all the equipment that is tough. All the nooks and crannies, not to mention the number of dumb bells, weights, bars and gloves to clean together with all the other equipment. I got to work with the cleaning rags as I blasted music in the training room. Another tough part I didn't think about was lifting all the equipment as I cleaned. I may be an Avenger, but I'm not Steve or Thor. By the end of it, I was dead tired.

I quickly head to the kitchen to prepare the ingredients for beef stew. Making beef stew is time consuming. After throwing all the ingredients into the pot, I have to stand here and 'watch fire' and make sure it doesn't boil over and keep stirring. After an hour or so, it was finally done. I took a look at my phone and it was already 5pm. How quick time flies. A little early for the rest of the Avenger to eat so I off the fire before heading to my room to rest. As soon as my head touched the pillow, I got pulled into sleep.

Natasha POV
I haven't seen Y/N around all day at all. Normally, she'll pop in at random time to ask for cuddles or attention but it's so quiet. They always say you'll only miss something when you throw it away. In this case, I didn't throw her away but I was missing her bubbling presence.

"Guy, did you see Y/N?" I asked the team who was having a meeting.

"No... I thought she was cleaning the training room."  Steve responded first.

"I thought Y/N was getting snacks for the movie night later." Tony looked at Steve.

"Shouldn't she be cooking dinner now?" Clint said after taking a look at the time.

"So she did all this today?" I gasped. I shook my head and immediately went to look for her. I went into our room to see her sleeping soundly and my heart melted. I went to her side to admire her peaceful sleeping face before lightly shaking her, trying to wake her up. No response. I tried again a little harder this time. I even have to check she's not dead because she's scaring me. She must be really tired to not wake up after shaking her, not a single muscle moved.

I texted the team to have their dinner without us since Y/N was not going to wake up anytime soon. I got into bed with her and pulled her closer since I know Y/N was not going to wake up under any circumstances now. I put on a movie on the TV and stroked her hair as I waited for her to wake up.

Your POV
I woke up to see myself in Nat's embrace. "Shit! What time is it?" I gasped and pushed myself up to look for my phone. I looked through the window and it was already dark. Then, I felt a hand on my arm and pulled me back to bed.

"Babe, stop worrying. You finished your job. Just relax." Natasha cooed. I let out a breath and slumped onto Nat's arm. She rubbed my shoulder as I watched what was playing on the TV. "Why didn't you tell them you have so many things to do?"

"They all left before I could say anything." I played with my fingers as I said softly. My stomach grumbled at this point and I hid my face in my hands in embarrassment.

"Let me see your face. Don't hide it." Nat pulled away my hands and saw my face flushed. "I'm going to get us the beef stew. You stay here." I nodded "Good girl." She kissed my forehead before leaving the room.

After what seemed like 10 minutes, she came back with two bowls of hot stew for the both of us. After receiving the bowl, I quickly wolf it down because I was famished. "I'm sorry." Natasha said out of nowhere. I turned to her with a spoon still in my mouth.

"Wat did you shai?" With a mouthful of food.

"I'm sorry. I asked you to do my part of the work when I shouldn't have. I know you had things to do and even if you didn't, it was your time to relax."

I quickly finished up the last bit before setting it down on the side table. Nat did the same as I turned to face her. "It's okay. It's not like you and I do this everyday." I held her hand and rubbed her knuckles.

"But one time would lead to many more."

I sighed knowing she felt guilty, it was up to me to make her feel better after what she has done for me. "I know you wouldn't do it. And if the others do it, I know you'd be the one stopping them. Today, you were the one who found out first didn't you?" She nodded.

"See... subconsciously you care a lot, and it wouldn't allow you to mistreat me, you understand?" She nodded again.

"Shall we put on another movie and cuddle? The boys can have the movie night to themselves." Suddenly I wonder how it reached the point where I had to comfort Nat. Didn't it start by her asking me to relax? I shook off the thought and snuggled closer to Nat. She wrapped her arms around me and made me feel safe. I gave her a comforting smile before returning my gaze to the TV. As long as she's with me, I'll do anything for her.

Written on 19/9/2021
Posted on 28/10/2021

Can you sense that I was writing all my tiredness into the chapter? Even the previous one was about doing so many things. Thank goodness it is the weekend when I was writing this.

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