It's not your fault N.R

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Natasha and I have been sparring in the training room for hours. Nat has been slightly stressed throughout the day so I suggested she let out some steam before it snowballs. It wouldn't be good for anyone if it happens, especially for me, I have to bear the brunt of it.

"Argh!" Natasha managed to knock me down to the ground.

"Are you okay?" I could hear the concern in her voice. She stretched her hands to help me up and I took it.

"Yes. I'm fine. Are you feeling better?"

"Yes. Thank you for letting me do this. I'll go set up the bath first?" I smiled and nodded. Once Natasha left the training room, I looked at my wrist, it was slightly painful when I moved my fingers. I must have landed wrongly when Nat knocked me to the ground. She's not going to be happy about this. I clenched my jaw as I felt around my wrist, no protruding bone or anything, it should be just a sprain, nothing too serious.

Natasha was already waiting for me by the time I got back to our room. I quickly got out of my clothes and got in with her. Nat sure knows her way around the bathroom as she wash my hair and body. She never allows me to do anything when I am in with her, saying that's her way of caring. It's nice though, sometimes I don't feel like doing anything and a bath with her makes everything better.

"Alright here you go." Nat wrapped a towel from behind me and gave me a lasting hug, signifying the end of the bath.

"Thanks." I gave Nat a quick kiss on the cheeks before stepping out of the bathroom and changing into a fresh set of clothes.

"Can you help me dry my hair?" Hiding from her that my wrist was weak.

"Of course!" Nat smiled brightly, happy that she could continue to help me even after the bath was finished. She took the hair dryer as I sat on the bathroom counter. I closed my eyes as she had her hands weaved in my hair.

"Shall we head to bed now?" Nat asked as she set down the hair dryer after drying my hair. I nodded and lifted my arms, signaling her to carry me. "Feeling lazy today?" I whined and grumbled like a child, kicking my legs, waiting for her to pick me up. "Alright, alright." Nat picked me up and put me to bed. "Go to sleep, my child."

"Goodnight Nat."


The next morning, I placed an ice pack on my wrist while Nat was working. I could see that it was slightly swollen after yesterday.

"Jesus, what happened to your hand Y/N?" Wanda came down to the kitchen.

"I fell." Changing the ice pack that was now room temperature.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes. Thanks Wanda." I took the new ice pack and went to the living room and put on a movie.

It was about time that Nat finished her work so I went to put back the ice pack that no longer served its purpose since it was sitting at room temperature for the past few hours. "Y/N!" I heard my girlfriend's voice coming from down the hall. I turned around to see her running towards me.

"Ww-wait!" However, Nat didn't hear me and just jumped at me, causing the both of us to drop on the floor with a thud, with me being on the ground. Now... I wouldn't blame her, usually I would be able to catch her with ease, just not when I only have one arm to work with.

"Are you okay?" Nat asked since I was the one who landed on the ground.


"She hurt her wrist." Wanda said. What a snitch.

"What?!" She placed a firm hand on my chest, preventing me from getting up. "Which?" She asked with authority.

"My right..." I would be a fool to continue hiding it from her. She took them a little too harshly and I hissed in pain.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I remained silent. "... Don't tell me it was from yesterday." I couldn't bear to look into her eyes. "I did it didn't I?"

"It wasn't your fault. I landed wrongly." She pulled me up and dragged me by the shirt. "Nat... Nat, where are we going?" She continued dragging me to Bruce's lab.

"You're taking an X-ray." Nat looked at me.

"I- fine..." I sat on the chair as the X-ray machine scanned my wrist.

It took a while for the X-ray result to be generated but we got it in the end. "There doesn't seem to be any broken bones so it's likely a sprain. Just be careful and minimise movement on the wrist for a week or two and it'll be okay."


"I don't understand why you are angry. I should be the one angry at you for not telling me and you are ignoring me."

"I don't know. I just felt angry." I shrugged my shoulders. "I just feel like it."


"Okay? That's it?" I looked at her. "You're not going to get mad?"

Nat sighed and sat next to me. "I love you too much to get mad at you for such- little thing."

"You were going to call me petty weren't you?" I raised my eyebrow, anger slipping away and teasing entering.

"Noooo" She started tickling me.

"Hey hey hey."

"Right. Sorry."

Over the next weeks, Nat kept helping me with tasks even though I told her I could handle it. I may be right-handed but I still had my left hand to do things. The most embarrassing thing was during dinner where Nat insisted on feeding me even though I told her I could use my left hand just fine. Everyone on the table saw me turn red as Nat brought her spoon closer to me. I wished I could dig a hole right then. Nat would feed me each time she saw I was done chewing and would ask if I needed any drink.

"Are you feeling okay?" Nat would ask each time before we go to sleep.

"Yes." Wiggling my wrist a bit to check its condition.

"Good. I love you. Don't get angry at me for nothing." Nat grabbed me at the waist and pulled me closer to her, kissing my forehead.

"I won't anymoreee. I love you too." Giving her a kiss back.

Written on 6/10/2021
Posted on 4/1/2022

Kinda adding drama at the back. I wanted to add more about the ignoring part but I don't know how and it was getting long so I just stated it in the conversation.

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