New birthday S.J

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A/N at the bottom

Your POV
Birthday was still kind of weird to me. I age every year but I don't have my birthday every year.

Need a hint? It's in February.

Got it yet?

29 February.

That's right, my birthday only happens every four years. What were the chances? I get that birthday doesn't have to be celebrated on the day itself, lots of people do that, but it just has a different feeling.

Can you imagine telling someone your birthday and they try to save it on their phone but they can't find the date on that year?

"Baby... you're thinking too much." Scarlett placed her fingers under my chin when she saw how close my eyebrows were together.

"You know when's my birthday right?" I looked at her.

"Yeah.  29 February."

"I don't like it."

Scarlett POV
"Then let's change it. Let's put it on today." I got up and went to the storage room. I swear we have some leftover party supplies from the party we had a few weeks back. I rummaged through the bags in the room and finally found the party popper.

I took one out and ran back to her. "Happy Birthday!!!" And popped it, confetti flying everywhere. "From now onwards, today will be your birthday that you'll celebrate it with me."

"I feel like trying ice cream cake, Scarlett."

"You never had it before?" She shook her head. "Okay, it's probably too late to order so I'll go out and buy." She ended up following me to the store and clinging on my arm the entire way there.

It's only occasionally she would do that and I find it so adorable, as if I had a big baby next to me. She would place her head on my shoulder as we walked and chose the cake she wanted. 

Y/N pointed to the cake she wanted but it was already preordered by another customer. She pouted and I cupped her cheeks. "It's okay baby, we can get another one. We'll come back and order it again, okay?" She nodded. "What else do you prefer, baby?" She pointed to another cake and the store owner packed it in a box before handing it to us.

I held the box in one hand while my other arm was occupied with Y/N. "Cheer up baby, we'll get it another time." I turned and kissed her forehead.


We got back home and immediately started eating the ice cream cake. I cut it into slices and gave her a plate.

"Mmm it's so good!!" She finally plastered a smile on her face.

"Is it, baby?" I placed my chin on my palm.

"Here, try it!" She gave me a slice with her fork. I leaned over and took a bite.

"It really is." I much prefer her smiling than her gloomy face. "Want to bring the cake over to the couch and cuddle and watch a movie?"

She took a bite and nodded giggling. "What do you want to watch babe?" I set her on my lap.

"What about y/f/m?"

I kissed her cheeks and switched the channel. She gave me a kiss too before resting her head on my shoulder. "Your lips are so cold baby." She stuffed the last big piece of cake in her mouth and mumbled something.

"Finish your food baby."

She finally swallowed the bite and said. "I love this birthday. Now I can have it every year." She rubbed her head into my chest.

"And many more to come."

Written on 20 Oct 2021
Posted on 17 Feb 2022

Since the other birthday story was not a happy one so I wrote another. I may write another that's truly happy.

I would greatly appreciate if you guys can answer a few questions. So I know how we are doing since we have passed the halfway mark.

1) Which story/stories do you like the most?
So I can write similar stories

2) Which story/stories do you hate/dislike?
So I can improve on it or change the way I write or don't write those.

3) Any part 2 that you would like to have?
Though I think most of my stories already have an ending.
If there is and I have already written them then I may push them upwards instead of publishing them by order of date.
Would you like more jealous type? Choosing who to fall in love type? Parents? Friends?
What else would you like me to improve on?

4) Any comments on the updating schedule?
I currently post 4 times a week.

Don't have to worry about updates. Though I'm not sure if anybody is waiting. As of today, there are about 97 waiting to be published.  But of course not all of them are great.

5) If you could rate my book, what would you rate it?
0 being the worst and 10 being great.
I don't mind a 0/10, so go wild!!

Thank you,  for your cooperation. 🙏

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