Professor Romanoff pt2 N.R

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Your POV
Initially, hearing that Russian class was suspended for a week, I was excited. That meant no extra lessons, no homework, more time to focus on my other subject. Even extra time to hang out with Wanda. Can you imagine how much I have missed out, only hearing now that Wanda has a boyfriend!

Apparently, the boy, Vision, has had a crush on her since freshman year and it took him until now to confess. I forced Wanda to tell me all the details that I've missed out on. The two dates she has been on were amazing and I was very happy for her.

It was great to finally have time to hang out in the mall. The past few weeks, I have either been in the dorm rushing homework or in the lecture halls, it's nice being able to relax and shop.

"Do you think this will look good on me?" Wanda chose a dress and placed it in front of her.

"Yeah, you look great." I nodded my head before scanning through the shelves again.

"Do you think he'll like it?"

"Girl, it's one thing to think if you look good in it, but another thing if you're just pleasing him. If he's just after your looks it's time you change him." I said while looking at some shoes since none of the clothes were catching my eyes.

"Since when were you the relationship expert?" She huffed.

"Since my friends have all been through relationships except for me." I replied nonchalantly. I showed her a pair of sneakers and she nodded her head.

After our shopping spree, or more like Wanda's shopping spree, I only got two things - a pair of shoes and a jacket, we were finally back in our dorm.

It just felt weird not doing anything after being busy for such a long time. I mindlessly took a book and it happened to be the Russian textbook. Not bothering to change it, I flipped through the book and read the translation. Since Wanda had nothing to do after rearranging her wardrobe, she too came to see how Russian works.

"Dang... it's tough recognising the alphabets." She said after reading it awhile. Not even her smart ass brain was able to comprehend it.

"Did you really think I was bad at studying? Of course it's difficult!"

Natasha POV
"How long do you intend to be away from work?" Maria asked as I just slouched on the couch with my messy bun, watching whatever was playing on the television.

"I've taken a week off, stop bothering me..." I mumbled as I pulled the blanket around me tighter together, trying to block her off.

"Why don't you tell her you like her already? It's not the worst thing you've done." Maria said as she prepared coffee in the kitchen.

"I do not like her. Stop being so annoying." I replied immediately.

"First of all, who was the one who keeps asking how she is in my class? Second of all, you were the one who barged into my house. If you find me annoying then you can leave." She said as she placed the coffee in front of me.

I sighed as I looked at the steam that was coming from the black coffee. "She hates me."

"It's kinda your fault for pushing her too hard." She said without even trying to make it easier on me. I just rolled my eyes and took the coffee to her guest room, where I was occupying for the week.

Tomorrow is Sunday before I have to head back to school on Monday again. Hearing the updates from Maria, it does seem like Y/N was doing better without having Russian class, but am I selfish for wanting to keep her with me? She wasn't the best or worst in the class, which often gets overlooked by the professors.

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