Unrequited pt2 N.R

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Your POV
I thought I would be able to bear Nat and Wanda hanging around together. Before they were in a relationship, it didn't bother me. They were close, often hanging in each other's room. Nothing has changed since then.

Perhaps I did, because I knew I lost the game.

Natasha's presence around me was slowly taken over by Clint, knowing my crush on the older redhead. Even though he was not Natasha, Clint was able to take my mind off her. As if I haven't already been avoiding her, I put off training with Nat for Clint as well.

"Sorry, Clint asked me to train with him yesterday."

"Again? I feel like I haven't been seeing you lately."

"If I want to be able to defeat you, I can't be showing you all my tricks." I took the last bite of my apple and threw away the seeds before heading to the training room.

Clint could tell I was having something on my mind as he kept looking at me. "Just say it." It was getting uncomfortable that he was analysing me weirdly while we were sparring.

"I still think it's the wrong choice." I sighed and placed my arms by my side.

"You would have said the same thing to Wanda if things went differently. So stop it." Clint was a nice friend, but he can get a bit too excessive at times.

"I'm just saying. I'm not going to be here always." He stepped out of the ring.

"You're heading back?" I was shocked, I didn't think he was going to be heading back to his barn house so quickly.

"My family needs me." With Clint gone, I wouldn't have any excuse to give when I need to escape. Training with Steve is probably not a good idea, I'm going to break my bone before I get to train.


Without Clint, I shifted my time over to SHIELD instead, often finding Maria and bothering her at her job. It was entertaining to see agents coming into her office and getting reprimanded. My chuckles slipped one time and she ended up scolding me as well. Like what did I do wrong?

But I wasn't able to hide there for long, Maria had missions to go on and Nat was getting suspicious of my actions. Facing her head on was the only logical next move.

"Are you ready?" I was hanging by the boxing ring.

"I can't wait to see your tricks." She threw a glove at me.

"Very funny." I threw it back at her.

In the beginning, I asked her how it was going with Wanda, but she gave me a very vague answer.

"Why do you have to keep talking about Wanda when you're with me?" It was Nat's turn to attack in the boxing ring.

"I thought people are happy when they talk about their girlfriend." I was busy defending her attacks which were getting heavier.

"I came to spend time with you after not seeing you for so long, not to talk about her!" Nat changed her attack and swiped at my feet, knocking me to the ground. I was lost for words, I couldn't understand why she was so angry.

"I- I don't understand."

"You don't understand because you haven't been here... We broke up."

"What?" I stood up so quickly that I'm pretty sure I over extended my legs. "When?"

"Last week..."

"Did Clint know?" Was that the reason why he kept pushing me with Nat, because he knew Wanda had others.

"I told him."

What an idiot I have been, pushing both of them away. "So what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know."

Training was agreed to have ended without even consulting the other party, as both us headed to the locker room. As I was getting out my stuff, I realised this was my chance. I already lost my first chance and I'm not going to see it fly away again.

"Uhmmm... d- do you want to go out with me? I understand you're going through a break up and if you don't want to, that's fine-" Nat cut me off my slamming her locker and I jumped in shock. Maybe this was not the best time to ask.

"It's alright. I can leave." I quickly packed my items and left the locker room.

My things dropped to the floor as Nat pulled me back and gave me a kiss. I stopped breathing as Nat pulled away and smirked. "So flustered, my dear." She pushed my forehead and brought me back. Before I said anything, she picked up the things I dropped. "So where and when?"

"7pm. I'll pick you up." She gave me another kiss on the cheeks before leaving me alone in the locker room. I was squealing and jumping in joy as if I won a million dollar lottery, though no amount of money can compare to her.

I finally have the love of my life.

Written on 6/11/2021
Posted on 6/11/2021

Aury378 MrsRomanoffHill 

Hope it is alright as a part 2 :)

Genuinely didn't think anyone would ask for a part 2. Thanks!

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