Tired N.R

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Your POVI flopped onto the cool metal chair on the quinjet after a mission, it wasn't a tough mission but I was exhausted by the end of it

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Your POV
I flopped onto the cool metal chair on the quinjet after a mission, it wasn't a tough mission but I was exhausted by the end of it. I kept squirming but I was unable to find a comfortable position on this hard material. Usually, I'd still have energy in stock but this time, not so much. I rested my head on Natasha's shoulder and closed my eyes.

"You tired sweetie?" I nodded "Just rest, I'll tell you when we reach the compound."

I didn't manage to sleep but I got a recharge on the way back. I was feeling lethargic, my mind was clear but my body didn't want to move. I could hear the conversation the others were having and have an answer in my mind but my mouth refused to open to speak.

"Y/N? We've reached." Natasha said as she stroked my cheeks.

"Mhmm." I peeled open my eyes as I felt the quinjet touch the ground. I gave her a kiss on the cheeks. "See you later." Knowing she has to report back to Fury since she was more than an Avenger.

I went to wash up and scrub off all the dirt and grime and what I anticipated came through, I was bleeding. I mean my period. No wonder I was so tired.

Before the pain and tiredness gets to set in after the shower, I rushed to get the report done and pasted a sticky note on top of it.

The cramp hurts so much that it makes me want to curl in bed, it wasn't one of the worst but it was sure up there. I was hugging Natasha's pillow since she was still not back yet to provide some comfort and her scent was definitely able to help me ease the pain, though I must say I prefer her physical form with me.

I heard the door handle turn and I knew immediately it was her, she doesn't turn the handle all the way saying it was quieter.

Natasha POV
I came back from SHIELD and Y/N was unusually tired from her mission today. Her work was on the table with a sticky note asking me to help her pass her work off to Fury.

I saw her hugging my pillow, leaving my side of the bed empty.
(How many pillows do you guys have on the bed? 2, 4, 6?)

"Baby... what got you so tired?" I went to hug her from behind.

"I got my period..."

"Oh. What do you need?" I asked because sometimes she has different needs with the first day being the worst.

"You. I need you." She turned around to face me.

"Well, that's a given. What else do you need?" I wasn't planning to leave her alone.

"Can you rub my back? My back hurts... And can you get me a heat pack?"

"Sure." I went to fill the heat pack with hot water before wrapping it with a towel.

I placed it on her stomach before rubbing her back. "I placed a towel because it maybe to hot in the beginning. Are you going to give me back my pillow?" I asked, as my side of the bed was totally bare.

"We can share." She moved her head slightly more towards the edge so I could have a bit of space.

"Just let me know if you need anything else, okay?" I could feel her head nodding.

"Go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up."

"Love you, Nat."

"Love you too."

Written on 30/10/2021
Posted on 17/12/2021

Ava-Lance4life Thanks for requesting. This is like my first official request ever.

The sick ones are coming up too. In a few weeks... maybe in a month or two...

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