Neglect pt2 S.J

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Your POV
Filming was coming to an end and Scarlett was relentless in her request of making me move out from the house. Everyday, whenever she gets the chance, she would ask me to move out or to stay with her.

I understand she cares for me but it's not as simple as moving out whenever I feel like it. There's a lot more behind packing up and leaving when you reach a certain age. Your house address would be your mailing address and everything related to you would be sent there. If I want to leave, I'll leave cleanly, not leaving behind any reason to return. But I'm too busy to clean those up, with the rush to finish up filming and numerous events to attend, it'd be a miracle to relax.

"I told you Scarlett, I'm not moving out." I sighed. It was getting annoying when that was all she asked when I saw her. I want to enjoy my time with her and relax, not stressing about things I eventually have to think about.

"Y/N, it's too dangerous. You never know when you come close to dying. Not with that kind of mother with you. How could she not know you were allergic to shrimp?"

I groaned. "Scarlett, please." I was on my break and I don't want to waste my time quarreling with her.

"Don't come begging when you need a place to stay." She said before leaving the pantry area. I shook my head and took a cup of fruit punch before sitting down with Chris Evans. He glanced over at Scarlett before facing me.

"She really cares for you." Chris said.

"I know she cares, that's why I feel guilty not taking up her offer." I really want to leave, but my mother is still my mother in the end.

>time skip<

After celebrating the last day of filming on set, I went home without following the rest of them to the club. They wanted to celebrate with some drinks but I declined as I was expected to be home in a few minutes. I could see Scarlett's disappointed look and I was unable to meet her eyes.

"I'm back!" I announced unenthusiastically once I entered the house and took off my shoes.

"Can't you sound more excited? Just hearing your voice makes the whole house gloomy." My mother came out from her garden. Her garden is more precious than me. She spends more time there than anywhere else in the house.

I sat at the dining table where food was served to us. There was a new cook that I've never seen before. "Where is our previous cook, mother?"

"I fired her. I felt like trying new dishes. It was getting too repetitive." She simply replied. How could she just fire a cook because she felt like it? She could have just told her and gave her time to figure out new recipes. I kept my mouth shut and began eating.

"I'm heading to bed." I said once it hit nighttime. I was dreading the next day to come. Since there were no longer any projects to be done, this meant that I was going to stay at home a lot more, facing my mother.

In the end, sleep still caught up to me and I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up as soon as the alarm sounded. Mother was already drinking her tea at her seat as she waited for breakfast to be served. I greeted her good morning before taking my own seat and scrolling through my phone for the latest news.

When breakfast was served, I looked at the dish and I could clearly see the ingredient that I am allergic to staring at me. Who the hell eats such a lavish meal for breakfast? What's wrong with just having pancakes, waffles or cereals for breakfast?

"What's wrong? Why aren't you eating?" She looked at me when she realised I have yet to raise the spoon.

"I'm allergic to shrimp, mother."

"Don't be silly, you're just being picky."

"I'm not being picky. I can't believe you didn't tell the new cook what I'm allergic to. I'VE BEEN ALLERGIC TO SHRIMP MY WHOLE LIFE! IT'S NOT JUST SOMETHING YOU FORGET ABOUT!"

"Why are you raising your voice? Aren't you still fine?" She thinks I'm fussing over something small.

"FINE? I WENT TO THE HOSPITAL THE DAY YOU HOSTED THE DINNER! I COULD HAVE DIED IF IT WAS NOT FOR SCARLETT!" I was boiling with anger. How could she think that. I was trying to be patient with her, understanding but I was hitting my limit.

Scarlett POV
I thought that I was being too harsh on Y/N yesterday. I should have put in more effort in inviting her to the celebration as well. I know she hates missing out on such things and yet I let her go again.

So, the first thing in the morning, after sending Rose to school, I decided to drop by Y/N's house and bring her out. Once I reached, I could hear the heated argument between her and her mother. Naturally it was about her allergies that her mother refused to recognise. With the spare key that Y/N gave me for emergencies knowing she couldn't rely on her mother, I entered her house.



"Y/N/N." I said, hoping to be able to break the tension between these two. Her head snapped towards me, after hearing an unexpected voice in the mix.

"Scarlett, what are you doing here?"

Without saying anything else, I pulled Y/N out of the house and her mother tried to stop me. "Where do you think you're bringing my daughter?"

"Since you're not going to take care of her, I will. You're not fit to be a mother." I dragged Y/N behind me.

"Mother, stop embarrassing yourself, I'll come back later." I wanted to say something but bringing her out was my priority.

The car ride was silent as neither of us knew what to say. I didn't know where to go and we ended up parking by the beach. I could see that Y/N was in a daze as she looked out of the window.

"Why did you say you'd go back?" I said, breaking the silence.

"I said I'll go back doesn't mean I'll stay there. My things are still in the house." She said softly. Suddenly, her stomach grumbled and she hugged her torso.

"You didn't have breakfast? Come on, let's go back to my house and make you some pancakes." I geared the car up and started driving out of the lot.

"I want to take up your offer."

I smirked that she's finally doing something good for herself and letting go of the strict mother. "I'm sure Rose would love to have you around."

Written on 19 March 2022
Posted on 21 March 2022

Requested by: Goldenashbuddy RINEP2478 tashakink 

Help me... work is so tiring. In audit there's no such thing as five-day work week, it's more like six-day work week if you work fast enough. It's no longer 9 to 5 job, more like 9 to 9....

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