Distraction/Priorities pt2 N.R

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Natasha POV
Ever since Y/N left without a word three year ago, I felt as if a part of me went missing. I kept making gestures as if she was there but she was not. I was alone.

I could also feel that the team was treating me differently after Y/N left, especially Wanda. Even Tony, who usually makes snarky remarks, refused to talk to me.

I know why. I kept blowing her off and leaving her alone. I deserve this now.

Fury was getting tired of the synergy of the team but we were completing missions so there was hardly anything he could do.

I couldn't track Y/N, she left everything behind as if taunting me. All of the memories with her she left behind were killing me, her scent was fading in the room. I hugged her pillow to sleep every night and sometimes even slipped her hoodie over the pillow so it felt like her even more.

It's my fault, it's all my fault. If the world gave me another chance I wouldn't let her slip away from me again.

Your POV
Fury contacted me when I was at my safe house. I wanted to reject his proposition but I owed him a favor, one too big to say no.

"Please don't let me regret this." I said when I entered SHIELD once again. It's been some time since I've entered this place. There have been some changes but overall it was still the same. The rooms didn't change but the people sitting inside the rooms did.

"It's only for this mission." Fury said.

"I sure hope so." Fury entered the room and I followed behind him. I was greeted with the entire team of Avengers who were too stunned by my appearance to say anything. Fury started the introduction and began speaking about the mission. Once he was done with the briefing I continued following him, ignoring the calls from the room from a particular person.

"All the best for the mission tomorrow." Fury said.

"Yeah, I have to go home after all." I said before entering my temporary room. It was a standard issue room that everyone gets. You get to decorate it however you like but since I'm just staying here for this mission, I see no point in doing so.

I went through the mission brief once again, I always like to pay extra attention to the floor plans. They tend to tell a lot more once I am in the field.

I heard a knock on the door and I took a deep breath before answering the door.

"Hi Maria."

"Hi. Fury told me you're back."

"Not for long. I'm still a lawyer. A criminal defence lawyer though, I get to pick and choose my clients." I told her while still staying at the door. She could sense that I didn't want to continue the conversation and left me alone.


"Alright, Rogers and Barton to your places." I ordered them once we were reaching.

"Who are you to give me instruction?" Rogers stepped forward and asked while Clint shook his head and got out of the jet.

I got up from my seat and stood closer to him. I may be smaller than him in size, but I wasn't going to back down. "Ever heard of special pass agent?" I questioned him. "No, because you are nothing compared to me so get to your position." I answered for him before he opened his mouth. He scoffed before walking away.

"Y/N." Natasha stopped me before I was able to walk away.

"It's Agent Y/L/N to you, Agent Romanoff."

"Agent Y/L/N, can I speak to you-"

"If it's not urgent, we'll speak after the mission." I cut her off.

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