Responsibility S.J

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Your POV
Having a big family is nice, but not when it is an extended family. They can be a great company but they can be a hassle too. They're nice, they were not trying to make my life difficult on purpose. It was just because of the sheer number that made everything difficult.

I knew this responsibility would fall on me ever since I was young as I am the only child. My parents kept going on about it, reminding me about it. That's why I have been trying to save up at every chance I get, not spending recklessly. But sometimes I couldn't resist it and treat myself a little.

Being able to find a stable job that pays well was always on the top of my head, ever since I was 19. With my parents' age being older than my peers' parents, I was always worried that I wouldn't be able to support myself as they were close to retirement age. What happens if income stops flowing? Would I be able to support them?


"You have to ask the corp sec to amend it, you're not allowed to do it!" I shouted to my colleague through my phone. I ended the call and slammed my phone on the table. I have been so stressed lately that I have been blowing Scarlett off.

I placed my hands together on my forehead in front of my laptop until I heard another ring. I saw the caller ID and collected myself before answering. "Hi Uncle Steven." I said after taking a deep breath.

"Is there not enough in the reserves?... Sorry I must have forgotten to transfer it for this month, I've been so busy lately... Yup, thank you. Love you too."

I know they are not being kind to be just for the money, but it is the money that makes people live. Without money how are they going to survive? I sighed and logged into my bank account to transfer this month's money into theirs.

I have been keeping track of the balance in my account. Each month, the balance seemed to be going down slightly, indicating I wasn't earning fast enough for the spending. With the inflation rate going up, everything is becoming more expensive but my salary remains stagnant. If this goes on, I wouldn't have enough for myself, let alone my uncles and aunties.

I sighed and closed my eyes, resting my head on the chair. Thinking about my bleak future that doesn't seemed too far away.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands rubbing my temples. I peeked open my eyes to see Scarlett upside down and sighed before closing my eyes again.

Scarlett POV
Year end and beginning of the year has always been the busiest period for Y/N. If she's not coming back late in the middle of the night from her client's place, she would be cooped up in her home office for days on end until I pull her out.

I heard Y/N shouting while I was in the living room reviewing my script for an upcoming movie. It sounded pretty heated so I wanted to head up there to check things out when I heard her phone ring again. There was a stark contrast in her tone of voice so I knew it was someone she couldn't raise her voice to.

I stayed outside while listening to the conversation on the phone, but I could only hear a few words.

When I pushed the door open, I saw her furrowing her eyebrow with her eyes closed. She only does this when she's thinking about something serious. I slid my hands on her head and gave her a massage on her temples.

She hummed as if asking me what I was doing here. "What's a corp sec?"

"I must have shouted very loudly." Y/N said with her eyes still closed. She pulled my hands away and pulled me onto her lap. "What do you think?"

I thought about it but I couldn't come up with a good answer.

"It's corporate secretary." She said when I remained silent.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now